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African American Experience- Atlantic Slave Trade


Submitted By nicoleportuondo
Words 990
Pages 4
Nicole Portuondo
AMH2091-01, Fall 2014 The Atlantic Slave Trade transported millions of Africans from West Africa to the New World. The process of transporting them was brutal and contained many hardships for the Africans. The Europeans saw the Africans as animals and savages, who deserved to be treated as such. The Middle Passage, the overseas voyage to the New World, was the most grueling part of the slave trade. The voyage lasted for months at a time and the conditions only got worse as time went on, Europeans would use Africans for their personal entertainment. On the Middle Passage, African’s experiences differed greatly; men chose to rebel, women were taken advantage of, and many became diseased or died. African men felt that they needed to do anything in their power to escape from the misery of enslavement. While on these ships, they would try to overthrow the Europeans with slave rebellions. The rebellions were hard to plan because many Africans were from different nations and did not all speak the same language. Blacks studied their oppressors and would look for any chance to take advantage of their errors, “Insurrections are frequently the consequence; which are seldom expressed without much bloodshed” (Falconbridge). The Europeans had no mercy on blacks and blacks had no mercy on the Europeans; they were thrown overboard, shot at, and beaten. In Roots, Kunta Kinte and his fellow African men seized the opportunity to steal the shackle key from the ship hands while they were fighting amongst themselves. This carelessness on the European’s part allowed for Africans to unshackle themselves and fight against their oppressors. A fight between the Europeans and Blacks broke out which lead to quite a bloodshed. Although they did not completely succeed, they were able to get rid of some Europeans on the ship but in return they also lost some of their own.

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