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African American Holiday Research Paper

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Across all seven continents, Christmas is a festive and enjoyable holiday celebrated among all age groups. The different traditions and customs…? All throughout Europe, the celebration of Saint Nicholas Feast Day begins on the morning of December 6. Children open the gifts Santa Claus has left them, Christmas carols are sung at their neighbor’s doors, ancients stories are passed down to the children, and a huge Christmas dinner with potatoes, roast goose, and vegetables are served. Spending time with family members plays a major role on Christmas. In Australia, children celebrate Christmas during their summer break from school. It is therefore common for people to spend their holiday away from home on parks, camp sites, or relative’s homes…. African traditions range from roasting goats with family members to celebrating Christmas on the …show more content…
Many people, even if they are not Christian, give each other gifts, prepare special meals and decorate their homes at this time of year. Many aspects of the Christmas celebrations originated from winter celebrations in Europe. However they are increasingly influenced by the Australian climate and wildlife. Africa:
In Africa Christmas is either celebrated through large or small Christian communities. Meats are roasted, gifts are exchanged and family visits made. Even in some parts of Africa they sell plastic trees and inflatable Santa’s. The emphasis is more on the religious aspect of celebrating the birth of Jesus and singing in church, than it is on gift giving. The most common thing bought at Christmas is a new set of clothes to be worn to the church.
In Africa goats are quickly snapped up at the local markets and roasted on Christmas day. In South Africa the sun is hot and the beaches are full of families enjoying barbecues or traditional Christmas dinners with paper hats, mince pies, turkey and plum pudding.

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