...Waste Recycling National Collection Services Agri can offer customers a complete range of waste management and recycling services designed to meet the needs of the food industry. Catering, retail and food manufacturing sites produce organic wastes, packaging wastes and hazardous wastes that Agri can help you to manage and extract value from. On Site Used Oil Tanks for Catering (Oilsense) A unique complete used cooking oil management solution for the caterer The new used cooking oil management solution has been launched following years of careful research and development. The innovative, user-friendly solution provides a number of significant benefits: Secure handling system Enhanced food quality Enhanced Health & Safety in the kitchen Reduced risk of slips, falls and burns Significantly reduced labour costs Environmentally friendly Huge reduction in the number of collections required Fully automated computerised stock control Factory Collections of Waste Cooking Oil Bulk collection of used cooking oil – A service to meet your revenue and reporting requirements Agri arranges road tanker and articulated trailer services for bulk oil collections. Our food manufacturing or food distribution customers need to maximise their revenues by reducing transport costs, and increasing oil yields in their waste streams. Agri offers specific advice as to how to achieve this. We can fund and install storage systems, telemetry and dewatering technology maximising values. All...
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...Agro logistics With the changes in lifestyle introduced by the new healthier way of life, massive food inflation knocked on our door. In 2006 the annual food inflation was 7.5 %. This figure doubled in 2011, 14.21 %, influenced by growth in consumption, income rise and change in the demographic structure of the world’s population, food production, processing, distribution and retail. People started using more fresh vegetables and fruits, animal protein, dairy products and processed food. The problem here is simple, the companies can’t deliver fully what customers ask from them. To get out of this situation the companies and the governments were searching for innovative, efficient and more secure way to improve the agriculture business and maybe reinvented it. Opportunities can arise to deliver greater value to consumers from both an economic and social standpoint. Through the new way of practicing agriculture the companies not only made a lot of profit, but also improved supply and demand by investments in production, processing, distribution and retail and communication. These actions were supported by the governments with introducing policies that stimulate growth, supply chain efficiency, cost optimization and market development. One of the main issues in the agro process is the constantly growing distance between primary produces and the customers. The most used way of distribution of the goods is obviously by cargo transport, causing heavy traffic, accidents on the road...
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...Relaunch of Frooti-The 'Digen Verma' Campaign “Our aim was to create hype around the product, so we introduced a mysterious character called ‘Digen Verma.’ As our target audience is the youth segment, we wanted to showcase their rebellious spirit through Digen Verma.” -Ram Sehgal, MD, Everest Integrated Communications. ''Frooti has always been positioned as a drink for kids. Now, we want to position it as a drink for the youth, especially, the college-going teenagers. We therefore went in for a real life, down-to-earth person, who, like any college student likes to bunk classes, is a good sportsman and is a popular figure in the college, with whom the teenagers can actually associate themselves.'' -Alka Bhonsle, Management Consultant, Parle Agrochemicals. WHO IS DIGEN VERMA? There was no getting away from him. A poster at a bus stop in Chennai asked, “Will Digen Verma be in the next bus?” Or, when watching a movie; there was bound to be an interruption all of a sudden with a handwritten message saying, ‘Digen, your car is being towed’. And, outside in the car park, almost all the cars had stickers on them saying, ‘Digen Verma was here.’ In many commercial places in metros and even far off places like Simla, there were footmarks accompanied by the mysterious words ‘Digen Verma was here’ pasted. There were rumours galore about ‘Digen Verma’ and his identity. Some thought it was a campaign for the launch of some new fashion label, while others thought Digen Verma he was...
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...brands of biscuits to be introduced, which later went on to become leading names for great taste and quality. It was in the year 1984 both brothers decided to separate and Prakash Chauhan got his own company named with Parle Agro. Now the company has 40% of market share in biscuits market and 15% share in confectionaries. Mission and Vision: Since the establishment, the cmpany has been focusing carefully in its vision and mission and its core values. Company’s Vision: “To be the leaders in our business. We will stand apart from the competition by being the first in the market to innovate.” Company’s Mission: “We will be the leaders in our business by - maintaining high quality, introducing new and innovative products, reaching every part of India, remaining customer-centric, constantly upgrading our knowledge and skills.” Value system o Its core value has always been providing value for the money. o The value-for-money positioning allows people from all classes and age groups to enjoy Parle products to the fullest. o Parle Agro started with the philosophy of:“We are in the business of refreshing India with our products, refreshing the market with new categories and refreshing ourselves through innovation.” Product Mix As Parle and Parle Agro are two different companies now both have their own product mix Product Mix of Parle ...
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...MARKETING PLAN ON AGRO BASED MBA 1. Introduction Ours is an agricultural country. Eighty percent of our economy is supported by agricultural resources. A large portion of our exports is contributed by agricultural products. With the emergence of green revolution, lots of agro based firms have come up. Like poultry, fishery, dairy, pisciculture, sericulture etc. Our economy is largely shared by the contribution of all these firms. At present the existing agricultural firms being highly promising, are not doing well due to lack of proper management knowledge on agriculture. So, necessity of agro-based management knowledge is increasingly felt day by day. As such, introduction of an agro-based MBA is a demand of time. 1. Origin This marketing plan of Agro based MBA program was authorized by course instructor on 28 March 2002. Proposal of the plan was submitted on 12 April 2002. Approval of the proposal by our course instructor initiated to carry out necessary research and prepare this report on Marketing Plan of an Agro-based MBA program. The submission date of the report is 27 May 2002. 2. Problem Feasibility has been studied about introduction of an Agro-based MBA program and the response is found highly positive. Our group is given the task of formulating a suitable marketing plan for the Agro-based MBA program through detail marketing research. 1.3 Research Objectives 1.3.1 Broad Objective The...
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...Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas vvv asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas Asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas asdasdadsdasdasdas ...
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...Soil Fertility for Feeding the World Global population is increasing Land use issues (forests, habitats, etc for food production) Increased demand for more with less input Farming on poor soils Improved management practices- production per acre Technological advances- fertilizer, pest management, seeds, etc. A fertile soil does not equal a productive soil Plants require 16 elements for growth and reproduction Carbon, Hydrogen, and oxygen are acquired through air and water 13 are from soil Primary= N, P, K Secondary= Ca, Mg, S Micro= Zn, Mn, B, Cu, Cl, Fe, Mo Most NEB soils contain large amounts of all the elements, but only a small % of these total amounts are available to the plant Factors that affect availability: Form and chemical properties of the element Soil pH Interactions with soil colloids Microbial acitivity Soil physical conditions: Aeration Compaction Temperature Moisture Mineral Components of Soil: 1. Silica= Si 2. Quartz= SiO2 3. Hornblende 4. Feldspar 5. Pyrite * Secondary= Montmorillinite, Kaolinite, Illite Structure Net negative charge absorbs positive particles Interactions Soil Minerals Soil Organic Matter Soil H2O Soil Air Broadcast application produces same yields as banded applications Mobile nutrient Wet soil? Band? Optimum moisture (structure aggregation) pH? Highly fertile soil Band applications produce higher yields than broadcast regardless of rate Immobile...
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...INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANYUsher Agro Ltd is one of the leading agribusiness houses in the country. The company is an agri-food processing company primarily engaged in milling and processing of rice and wheat in Northern India. They focus mainly on non-basmati rice and wheat products such as atta, maida, suji etc. Their plants are based in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, which are among the main rice and wheat growing regions in India. The company's principal products include rice, bran, wheat and husk. Its wheat products include fine and superfine wheat flour (maida), r-aata, whole meal aata (chakki atta) and bran (choker). They have one subsidiary company, namely Usher Eco Power Ltd. Usher Agro Ltd was incorporated on June 20, 1996 as a public limited company. The company was established with the main object of manufacturing and processing in agro-based products and to deal in, trade, export or import such products. They entered the Food Processing Sector by setting up their first Rice Milling Plant at Mathura in Uttar Pradesh with a capacity of 10,800 MTPA. In the year 1998, the company set up their second rice mining plant at their existing site at Mathura. In March 2003, they set up an automated modernized rice milling plant at Buxar in Bihar, a rich paddy cultivating area with a capacity of 46,800 MTPA and commenced commercial production. In the year 2004, the company obtained ISO 9001:2000 Certificate from IIC Korea. In the year 2005, they obtained HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical...
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...Three Strategies to make Agro profitable for Growth and Beneficial 1) Government Duties and Coordination: • The Government of Bangladesh should arrange good environment for farmers and agro investors to increase the Production & Exports. • The Government should enactment strict laws and regulations to prevent any new building or construction work over muck soil areas. • The Government of Bangladesh should send agronomists for missions outside the country to comeback with new technology to improve Agro. • The Government of Bangladesh should reduce interest from Banks to help farmers and investors to increase the Productivity. • The Government of Bangladesh should reduce the customers over Agro equipments and tools so it will minimize harvesting time. • The Government of Bangladesh should provide good quality Compost from modern and advanced countries so it will improve crops. • The Government of Bangladesh should be setting good prices to local farmers and investors so they can encourage cultivating and producing more corps for exporting purposes. • The Government of Bangladesh should use diplomatic ways to open markets outside for the corps of Bangladesh. • The Government of Bangladesh should provide new technology through mutual arrangements with other countries to improve the situation. 2) Using High Technology is very important step in Agro : • Storage System during shipping and local transportation. • Tools...
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...Sector Agro and Food Processing Sub - sector Marine Sector Project No. AF-18 Project Title Shrimp farming and processing unit in Kutchh Project Description The project envisions setting up of integrated shrimp farming and a processing unit in the coastal area of Gulf of Kutchh. The project shall have its own feed mill to supply fish feed for hatchery and shrimp farms. Product Application A shrimp is a kind of seafood that is used as an input, for a variety of processed food products. It can be barbecued, boiled, broiled, baked and sautéed. Variety of shrimp products like pineapple, lemon, coconut, pepper shrimp and shrimp soup, stew, salad, burger, sandwich, kebabs, gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried are available and largely consumed in USA and Japan. Thus, Shrimp has domestic and global market as an important sea food and as input into a variety of processed food products. Apart from Fresh Shrimp, there is also very large demand for frozen shrimp in international market and hence the proposed project will also have Shrimp processing and Cold storage as integral part of the project. Market & Growth Drivers Market China leads the world in Shrimp production, followed by Indonesia, India and Thailand. USA and Japan are the leading Shrimp importing countries, with USA recently surpassing Japan followed by Spain, UK, France, and Italy, while Singapore and Canada are minor importers of Shrimp. India’s total marine export for the year...
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...PT ASTRA AGRO LESTARI Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK/ AND SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN/ CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DESEMBER 2014 DAN 2013/ 31 DECEMBER 2014 AND 2013 PT ASTRA AGRO LESTARI Tbk DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT REGARDING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ( 31 December 2014 ) SURAT PERNYATAAN DIREKSI TENTANG TANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN ( 31 Desember 2014 ) PT ASTRA AGRO LESTARI Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK /AND SUBSIDIARIES We, the undersigned.- Kami yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : 1. Nama Alamat Alamat Domisili Nornor Telepon Jabatan 2. Nama Alarnat Alamat Domisili Nomor Tel epon Jabatan Widya Wiryawan JI.Pulo Ayang Raya Blok OR-I Kawasan Inclustri Pub Gadung Jakarta 13930 11.Tebet Timur Dal am VI D16 Jakarta Selatan 021-4616555 Presiden DirekturlPresident Director 1. Rudy .11.Pulo Ayang Raya Blok OR-1 Kawasan Industrt Pula Gadung Jakarta 13930 JI. P Jayakarta 121 No. 54 Sawah Besar Jakarta Pusat 021-4616555 Direktur Keuangan7Finance Director 2. Men yatakan bahwa : Name Address Address of Domicile Telephone Number Position Name Address Address of Domicile Telephone Number Position Declare that : 1. Bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan dan penyajian laporan keuangan konsolidasian perusahaan; 1_ We are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the company's consolidated financial statements; 2. Laporan keuangan...
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...Submitted To:- Submitted By Nafisa Rounok Uttam Golder Assistant Professor Jagannath University Department of Finance Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka 4th Batch ID No: 105211 Submission Date: September 10, 2012 Letter of Transmission September 10, 2012 Nafisa Rounok Course Instructor: FIN 3208 (Entrepreneurship Development) Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Dear Madam, It is an honor and great pleasure for us to present our Project Report on “A successful Entrepreneur”. This report was assigned to us as a partial requirement of the ‘Entrepreneurship Development’ (FIN-3208) course in the sixth semester. The Project program was an experience of rediscovering our potentials and full of excitements. This report has given us an opportunity to apply our theoretical expertise, sharpen our views, ideas, and communication skills...
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...Parle Agro Several Parle soda brands including Citra Thums Up, Limca, Gold Spot and Maaza were sold to Coca Cola in 1993 for a reported $40 million.[1][2] At the time of sale, the Parle brands together had a 60% market share in the industry.[3] The brand was strong in South India.[4] Citra was phased out by 2000 to make way for Coke's international brand, Sprite History Parle Products was founded in 1929 in British India. It was owned by the Chauhan family of Vile Parle, Mumbai. The Parle brand became well known in India following the success of products such as theParle-G biscuits and Thums Up soft drink. The original Parle company was split into three separate companies owned by the different factions of the original Chauhan family:[6] Parle Products, led by Vijay, Sharad and Anup Chauhan (owner of the brands Parle-G, Melody, Mango Bite, Poppins, Monaco and KrackJack) Parle Agro, led by Prakash Chauhan and his daughters Schauna, Alisha and Nadia (owner of the brands such as Frooti and Appy) Parle Bisleri, led by Ramesh Chauhan All three companies continue to use the family trademark name "Parle". Parle Agro Parle Agro commenced operations in 1984. It started with beverages, and later diversified into bottled water (1993), plastic packaging (1996) and confectionary (2007). Frooti, the first product rolled out of Parle Agro in 1985, became the largest selling mango drink in India.[7] Separation from the parent company The original Parle group was amicably segregated...
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...appropriate institution which is considered to develop community based agrotourism is Islamic Financial Service Cooperation Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (KJKS BMT). By collecting a variety of creative economy industry in the form of farmers, craftsmen, transportation, hotels, culinary, and performing arts are a part of a agrotourism community, KJKS BMT can help these industries in managing their business. This paper use a qualitative approach through literature study. Therefore, agrotourism is expected to be a strong sector in the economy, provide employment, contribute significantly to the nominal GDP, reduce unemployment, and give welfare for the citizens in the future. Keywords—Islamic Financial Service Cooperation Baitul Maal wa Tamwil; agro tourism; community based; economy creative I. INTRODUCTION...
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