...6 test tubes (10mm x 75 mm, for example), rimless is best 50 mL graduated cylinder Medium sized beaker (for waste) Test tube rack Metric rule 6 little squares of aluminum foil (about 4 cm by 4 cm) 100 mL beaker with 50 mL of 25% molasses solution 20 mL of yeast suspension Dropper Marking pen Masking tape Introduction to the Student Even cells as small as yeast cells need to obtain the energy to carry out life processes. Because yeast cells are so small, they do not require as much energy from their food as large multicellular organisms do. Yeast use a process called fermentation. What is fermentation? Fermentation is a way for cells to get energy without using oxygen. Small organisms can break down complex organic substances such as sugar into simpler ones and release the energy that is in the carbon-carbon bonds. The waste products of this process are molecules such as ethyl alcohol and lactic acid, as well as other. Human beings have known about fermentation for a long time. Food can be spoiled by fermentation, food can be made by fermentation, and muscle cells use fermentation to give us quick bursts of energy. Louis Pasteur in 19th century helped us understand that fermentation is the result of the action of small organisms such as yeast and bacteria. In this lab we will be using yeast cells. Yeast cells break...
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...lives on a daily basis. You find it by the air that you breathe in, the food that you eat, and every object that you can see or touch is a fundamental of Chemistry. Throughout this paper, I will describe why chemistry is important, what is beneficial, and what I found interesting. In order for me to purse my degree in Chemical Engineering, it was a must for me to take Chemistry 1411. First, it was a pre-requisite for the following Chemistry classes for me to take. Second, the basis of this class is a fundamental pertaining to my degree because they have to apply the principles of chemistry to design and operation of immense chemical manufacturing process. I chose this major because my grandfather inspired me from such a young age to be in this field. I can remember him doing all kinds of experiments in his office trying to test and discover things that really drew my interest to this major. My grandfather demonstrated the benefits of Chemistry and showed me how it is ever present in our every day life. He also taught me that Chemistry is always changing in our world around us and I want to be apart of this changing process and help the world benefit from Chemistry. I hope to see myself in a couple years being highly successful and enjoying working for a refinery as my grandfather did. I want to be able to support my family the best as possible, yet I also want to see myself loving what I do everyday and not get tired of it. In Lab #1 it was a recap of math skills that are...
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...Lab Report 3: Effect of UV Light on Microbial Growth Kristin Holmes – April 2, 2013 PURPOSE: The purpose of this lab is to determine the effects of ultraviolet light on microbial growth and the effectiveness of the repair mechanisms of light repair and dark repair on UV damage. INTRODUCTION: Can Ultraviolet (UV) light be a viable form of sterilization and/or disinfection? This lab experiment will look to examine and answer that question. UV light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye. It has a short wavelength and is considered high energy which allows it to pass through some materials. The biological effects are potentially devastating based on the length of exposure and the length of the wavelength exposed to. The reason UV light can be so detrimental is due to its effect on DNA and the mutations that can occur because of exposure. The absorbance of UV photons causes the formation of pyrimidine dimers; these in turn create challenges to DNA replication. While DNA repair mechanisms can remove these dimers, with increased exposure and/or repeated exposure as well as incomplete repair, DNA replication is not always exact. (Aishwariya) UV radiation is typically placed into one of three categories. UV-A radiation is the longest wavelength and has the least damaging effect. UV-B radiation is medium length and UV-C is the shortest wavelength. (Aishwariya) UV-A radiation can have long term effects; however the most damage, on the cellular level...
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...Coal Mining |Table 1: pH of Water Samples | |Water Sample |Initial pH |Final pH (after 48 hours) | |Pyrite |7 |7 | |Activated Carbon |7 |7 | |Water |7 |7 | POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop hypotheses predicting the effect of pyrite and coal (activated carbon) on the acidity of water? a. Pyrite hypothesis: After 48 hours, the pyrite sample will remain clear of fine particulates, with pyrite at bottom of beaker, and slight rise in pH level (positively charged hydrogen ion.) b. Coal (activated carbon) hypothesis: After 48 hours, the coal sample will display fine particulates and blackish coloration, with carbon on top and bottom of water in beaker. The pH level will be higher. Initial pH levels tested at 7 (see photos 1 & 2.) [pic] photo 1 [pic] photo 2 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis...
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...California Institute of Technology Physics 77 Vacuum Techniques and Thin Film Deposition Experiment 3 (October 2001) 1 Introduction Much of modern experimental physics is done under vacuum. Design and construction of vacuum apparatus is one of the most useful ”bread and butter” skills an experimentalist in condensed matter, atomic, or optical physics can have, and the subject of vacuum engineering is a vast one. This lab serves as an introduction to basic vacuum techniques and thin film growth, another often essential skill for condensed matter physicists. This lab is an optional prerequisite for Experiment 10, Condensed Matter Physics at Cryogenic Temperatures, for which you can grow your own samples for Weak Localization measurements if you choose. 2 Pressure and gas flow In vacuum work, pressures are almost always measured in millimeters of mercury, or torr. One torr is just the pressure necessary to support a column of mercury with a height of one millimeter. The conversion to units more familiar to readers of physics textbooks is 1atmosphere = 101kPa = 760torr There are two pressure regimes of interest to the scientist working with vacuum systems, and gases behave differently in each regime. The first, the viscous flow regime, describes the case where gas flows as a fluid, where the mean free path of the gas molecules is much smaller than the dimensions of the apparatus. The second, the molecular flow regime, describes the high-vacuum case, where the mean...
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...Lab Report: Water Quality and Contamination Edward Minter Ashford University SCI 207: Dependence of Man on the Environment Lynn Carpenter Aug 10, 2015 Lab Report: Water Quality and Contamination Abstract The theory of common pollutants effects on groundwater was investigated and observed through the method of mirroring the wastewater treatment facilities filtration process. Groundwater quality was examined by testing contaminated elements surged into the water. The experiment study the effects of groundwater by evaluating water quality, water contamination, and quality of drinking water. Water quality is tarnished by pollutants resulting in contamination. Unfiltered ground water displayed the highest level of contamination. When groundwater is treated its quality improves. Dasani and Fiji bottled water preference was used. The data indicates groundwater quality is contaminated by common pollutants. Introduction This lab report explore vinegar, oil, and laundry detergent effects on groundwater. Considering most water contamination doesn’t just happen by itself. Water quality is a human problem because people willing or unwilling participate in the spread of pollution....
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...on how important the accuracy is on the measurements you are making and the degree of wear and tear the instrument is getting. These calibrations are generally made annually. It is hard to judge the performance of an instrument without a set of calibration results. Use of a centrifuge A centrifuge is a piece of equipment that puts an object in rotation around a fixed axis. The centrifuge works using the sedimentation principle, where the centripetal acceleration causes denser substances and particles to move outward in the radial direction. At the same time, objects that are less dense are displaced and move to the centre. Lab staff will need to be trained how to use this and will also need to know what to do in the event of a...
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...Extension Rd, Santa Cruz, Trinidad | 4 | Site 4:Mt Hololo Rd Santa Cruz, Trinidad | 5 | Lab Reports | | Lab 1:Dissolved Oxygen and Biological Oxygen Demand | 7 | Lab 2:Total Suspended Solids | 10 | Lab 3:Total Dissolved Solids | 12 | Lab 4:Macro Invertebrate Fauna | 14 | Final Report | | Problem Statement, Objectives | 17 | Methods of Data Collection | 18 | Literature Review | 19 | Presentation and Analysis of Data | 20 | Discussion of Findings | 22 | Conclusions | 23 | Recommendations | 23 | Bibliography | 24 | Site Number: 1 Date: 28/11/13 Site: Reservoir Road, Santa Cruz, Trinidad (Control site – Furthest Upstream) Objective(s): To investigate a section of the river with little or no human impact to use as a control site. Activities: The class arrived at site 1 around 9:15am. Observations of the riverbed, the water itself, human influences and both flora and fauna were made. Also the temperature, depth, width, turbidity and rate of flow of the water were measured. Water samples for later analysis of total suspended solids, total dissolved solids and biological oxygen demand were collected. Upstream of the site a sample of water was collected to perform a dissolved oxygen test which was done at the site as seen in the dissolved oxygen lab report. After all the...
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...Environmental Science Table of Contents Lab 2 Water Quality and Contamination 21 Water Quality and Contamination Concepts to Explore • Usable water • Ground water contaminates • Ground water • Water treatment • Surface water • Drinking water quality Figure 1: At any given moment, 97% of the planet’s water is in the oceans. Only a small fraction of the remaining freshwater is usable by humans, underscoring the importance of treating our water supplies with care. Introduction It is no secret that water is one of the most valuable resources on planet Earth. Every plant and animal requires water to survive, not only for drinking, but also for food production, shelter creation and many other necessities. Water has also played a major role in transforming the earth’s surface into the varied topography we see today. While more than 70% of our planet is covered in water, only a small percent of this water is usable freshwater. The other 99% of the water is composed primarily of salt water, with a small percentage being composed of 23 Water Quality and Contamination glaciers. Due to the high costs involved in transforming salt water into freshwater, the Earth’s population survives off the less than 1% of freshwater available. Humans obtain freshwater from either surface water or groundwater. Surface water is the water that collects on the ground as a result of precipitation. The water that does not evaporate back...
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...Dr. Hjorth-Gustin Chemistry 201 Lab November 8th, 2010 Synthesis and Analysis of Iron(III) Oxalate Complex Discussion This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. Part 1 involves the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex. The iron is first presented in its Fe2+ form, so it must first be oxidized to Fe3+ before the oxalate ion will readily bind to it. Hydrogen peroxide is the oxidant of choice: 2Fe2+ (aq) + H2O2 (l) + 2H+ (aq) ---> 2Fe3+ (aq) + 2H2O (l), in acidic solution. The oxalate ion is then free to coordinate to the Fe3+ ion, forming a complex of Fe(C2O4). The oxalate ion is the conjugate base of the weak oxalic acid, H2C2O4. In the synthesis of the iron (III) oxalate complex, 0.8668g of the final lime-green crystals were obtained. The average percent of C2O4 was 59.00% and the theoretical yield was 53.74%. With this, the percent error came out to 9.79%. The percentage of Fe(III) in the green crystal obtained was 14.5%. Theoretically, it should have been around 10%. This lack of accuracy was quite difficult to recognize considering the calculations were approved by the professor but may have been due to incorrectly preparing the buffer. Apart from the usual human-mediated errors in the measuring and distribution of chemicals and in the readings of instrumental...
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...|Lesson Synopsis: | This unit develops an understanding of electrostatics by the use of demonstrations, simulations, and modeling. The general theme is that the current model of matter consisting of electrically neutral atoms composed of charged particles is integral to the understanding of electrical forces. The lesson begins with traditional activities of charging objects by friction and comparing electrostatic forces to magnetostatic forces. The traditional experiments are explained in terms of the model of an atom, and the “attract and repel force rules” are explored and expanded. Devices to create, store, and measure charge are utilized in experiments. The formal theory of Coulomb’s law is introduced, and problems are assigned utilizing that theory. Elements of the historical development of electrostatics and planetary model of the atom are researched, and students have an assignment describing contributions of historically important scientists. Additional concepts of electric fields, potential difference, and properties of conductors and insulators are developed through experiment, demonstration, and discussion. TEKS: |P.5 |The student knows the nature of forces in the physical world. The student is expected to: | |P.5A |Research and describe the historical development of...
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...Minex Introducing itself as one of the pioneers, Minex organization is based in India. Minex is an ISO 9001-2008 certified company serving Aluminum, Iron & Steel Industries & Non-Ferrous Industries for 30 years. The company is in operation since 1984 and has 3 operating plants in Central India, in the vicinity of Nagpur. In the past decade, Minex has emerged as a benchmark in providing total alloying solutions making it a $100 million company. The following products are regularly being used by reputed foundry industries: IRON FOUNDRIES: Ferro Silicon Magnesium Alloys for S.G. Iron production. Barium, Strontium, Calcium and Zirconium based inoculants. Nickel Magnesium Alloys. Rare Earth and Mischmetal Cored wires for S.G.Iron production, inoculating wires of various specifications for S.G. Iron production.Minex Wire Injection system for injection of Ferro Silico Magnesium cored wires and Inoculants cored wires. STEEL FOUNDRIES: Ferro, Aluminum Ferro, Silico, Calcium Ferro, Titanium Ferro, & Zirconium Cored Wires. ALUMINUM FOUNDRIES: Titanium, Boron, Aluminum, Aluminum-Boron, Iron Tablets. Aluminum-Chromium, Aluminum-Strontium, Aluminum-Iron Cored Wire Injection System. In the field of Cored Wire Feeder and Cored Wire, Minex is pioneer in this part of the world, having introduced this technology during the Eighties, initially with Wire Feeder and Metallurgical Cored Wires. Minex has installed, provided technological support and evolved Wire Injection...
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...Laboratory Report: Photosynthesis Patrick McInerney Life Science Lab (sec. 801) 10:00-11:50 Mondays March 11, 2011 Contents Introduction Page 3 Procedure and Results Page 4 Data Results Page 6 Explanations and Conclusions Page 7 References Page 8 Photosynthesis Questions and Answers Page 9 I. Introduction Why do we care about photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is not only important to the survival of plants, but to the existence of most of life on Earth. Green plants are a vital part of the circle of life because they ultimately provide food for consumers (organisms that rely on eating other organisms, like plants) to survive. Photosynthesis is also important in the exchange of carbon dioxide to oxygen, 2 very important inorganic compounds needed for all life forms. Process of photosynthesis: Heterotrophs, like fungi and animals, must consume to survive, but autotrophs, like plants, algae, and cynobacteria, make their own food. In other words, plants do not grow from absorbing nutrients from the soil, but they also use the process of photosynthesis to make food. Plants “breath in” carbon dioxide (a raw material for photosynthesis) through small openings in their leaves, called stomata. Stomata are responsible delivering carbon dioxide to mesophyll cells. The roots of plants absorb water into a vascular tissue, which travels up to the plant’s leaves. Then the water and carbon...
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...Abstract There is strong interest in "going green," including using products that cause less environmental damage when they are disposed of. In this environmental sciences project, you will compare the toxicity of "green" and conventional liquid detergents using worms as test organisms. Objective The objective of this environmental sciences project is to determine if green detergents are safer for the environment than conventional detergents. Introduction Reduce, reuse, recycle. These are typically known as the three R's of the environment. Every year, Americans throw away billions of containers and other packaging materials that end up in landfills. Reducing the amount of waste you produce is one way to help the environment. Another way to help the environment is to recycle. Many of the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans, and milk cartons, are made out of materials that can be recycled. Recycled items are put through a process that makes it possible to create new products out of the materials that come from the old ones. Reusing is another way to help protect the environment. The idea is simple: instead of throwing things away, try to find ways to use them again. The use of grey water to irrigate plants is an example. Grey water is the water produced by showering, cleaning clothes, washing dishes, etc. It does not include human waste (that is called black water, and is not safe to use for irrigation). Clearly, if grey water is to be used for growing...
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...[pic] • What is an alloy? An alloy is a mixture or metallic solid solution composed of two or more elements. Complete solid solution alloys give single solid phase microstructure, while partial solutions give two or more phases that may or may not be homogeneous in distribution, depending on thermal (heat treatment) history. Alloys usually have different properties from those of the component elements. Alloy constituents are usually measured by mass. Alloys are usually classified as substitutional or interstitial alloys, depending on the atomic arrangement that forms the alloy. They can be further classified as homogeneous, consisting of a single phase, heterogeneous, consisting of two or more phases, or intermetallic, where there is no distinct boundary between phases Examples: • Bronze (tin, aluminium or other element) • Aluminium bronze (aluminium) • Arsenical bronze • Florentine bronze (aluminium or tin) • Gunmetal (tin, zinc) • Glucydur • Phosphor bronze (tin and phosphorus) • Ormolu (Gilt Bronze) (zinc) • Speculum metal (tin) [pic] 1. Steel Composition: (Iron and other metals such as carbon) Properties: Hard, Less Ductile & have high Tensile Strength. Applications: Steel is used widely in the construction of roads, railways, other infrastructure, appliances, and buildings. Most large modern structures, such as stadiums and skyscrapers, bridges, and airports, are supported by...
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