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Alabama Labour Laws Research Paper

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Rich with all the resources needed to make iron and steel, Alabama is a powerhouse state when it comes to pumping out industrial goods and services. In 1886, Montgomery put the world's very first electric trolley system into action. Join us as we take a deeper look at this incredible state and analyze the type of labor laws in place that employers in Alabama must abide by.

With No Set Minimum Wage in Alabama - Worker's Pay Must Abide by Federal Legislation
Among four other states, Alabama is one that has not set its own minimum wage rate. As such, employers in Alabama must pay their workers according to the provisions in the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Therefore, the Alabama minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour as outlined in the Federal legislation.

Worker’s Compensation Laws in Alabama …show more content…
Furthermore, Alabama labor laws provide workers the legal right to consult with the medical professional or doctor of their choice if they become injured during work.

Overtime Laws in the State of Alabama
What is overtime pay in Alabama? Because Alabama labor laws do not address minimum pay, employers must abide by the federal guidelines as established by the FLSA. In accordance with the FLSA, workers are to be compensated at least 1.5 times their regular wage for all hours that exceed 40 in a week. This standard overtime rate is referred to as "time and a half."

Alabama Child Labor

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