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Alcohol Detox Research Paper

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An alcohol detox center can help an individual suffering from an addiction cleanse their body of the harmful toxins. These centers normally focus on the physical withdrawal from harmful substances by helping the individual suffering stay in a safe place while experiencing detox. Alcohol Detox is the first step in the road to recovery from an addiction and is a requirement for most rehab programs before admission.

Detox Facts

There are many factors regarding detox that should be known before entry into such a program. These facts will help decide which program is best and how to proceed after detox. An alcoholic involved in the recovery process with a positive attitude is the best weapon against relapse.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol is a sedative that decreases the respiration rate and depresses the central nervous system. This can cause coma or death. It is an addictive substance and the body can become dependent on it. Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol can starts within 24 to 48 hours after the level of alcohol in the blood drops. These symptoms can last up to a week. Symptoms include increased blood pressure, as was an increased heart rate and body temperature. Delirium, nausea, vomiting, seizures and in the rare case, death, are also associated with the withdrawal from alcohol. Alcohol affects every organ in the body, for this reason there are often co-occurring medical disorders and chronic illnesses associated with alcoholism. …show more content…

Although there are many rehabilitation programs that offer detox, they should not be confused as the same process. Detox is the process by which a body is cleansed of harmful toxins. This must occur first before any rehabilitation can happen. Often times rehab centers will offer detoxification services in addition to rehabilitation services.

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