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Ethical Dilemmas In The Film 'Incident At Morales'

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Faced with the overwhelming influence of situations that compromise the good name and superior performance of engineers, the professionals of the different branches of engineering need an impression that allows them to excel and maintain their good name, in order to guarantee the tranquility of their clients and their companies by demonstrating a better image and professional reputation. This situation has led to define the value proposition of the engineer as a social construction within his/her professional profile. For this reason, professional associations in engineering should pay attention to an aspect often forgotten: ethics. That is why this essay will discuss the case called Incident at Morales.
This film showed several ethical issues which some of them are the following: market pressure to design and construct a new plant in a short period of time and lowering the budget, company was more concern about the final product instead of …show more content…
The “One Rule” consisted of Fred telling things to Wally first before telling anybody else. Wally insisted on this rule because, as mentioned before, he wanted to hide information; information that could harm his position in the company. This information showed all the unacceptable practices he was making Fred do. The “One Rule” affects the company because the lack of communication, especially when discussing about ethical issues, can lower the overall performance of the company. Therefore, if I were Wally, I would have not only heard Fred’s concerns and recommendations, but also, I would have avoided insisting on using Lutz and Lutz controls just because Chuck had family connections with that

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