...Too smart to start - ALCOHOL You may think alcohol is no big deal … but your wrong! What comes to your mind when you think of alcohol? Celebration? Fun? Or DEATH? Probably not the last one, well did you know that “Several meta-analyses risk of breast cancer rises as the level of consumption increases; the risk of breast cancer rises by 2% to 12% for each additional standard drink consumed per day.” Wait that’s not it “I was only sixteen but my liver was badly damaged and I was close to killing myself from everything I was drinking.” —Samantha. Alcohol may seem as a popular activity around older teens and adults but does that mean we should start drinking without knowing what alcohol is made of, how it affects us and how to make positive...
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...It seems unfair that you were handed such a poor topic for a persuasive speech as Anit-Homeschooling surely is. It’s kind of hard to be ‘persuasive’ without facts and statistics to back up your (assigned) stance. And, unfortunately (for the sake of your assignment, at least), the only *statistics* and *facts* out there put homeschooling in a decidedly favorable light. What you *will* find are mere opinion pieces arguing against homeschooling. However, keep in mind these articles provide no substantiating evidence to support their “anti-homeschooling” stance. Such articles, unfortunately (for your assignment, at least), are based on mere myths--some of which have been expressed right HERE by some of your responders. To wit: A) quote:“Home schooled people [will] be passed over for someone that has been through a school that has testing standards as well as requirments (sic) and guidlines (sic) for the teachers them selves.” Wrong. Homeschooled students consistently outperform public school students on standardized tests. [http://www.academicleadership.org/empric... and elsewhere] Moreover, it is no secret that our public schools are failing and that we are far behind other industrialized nations in academic achievement. See: Public High Schools Failing: Colleges Now Spend Billions On Remedial Classes For Freshmen http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2... http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YmJ... What’s Wrong With Our Schools http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/09/time...
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...Outline for Persuasive speech Introduction and attract audience: Start questions by asking classmates "how many people drink alcohol" and "how many people drive when they are drunk" to get everyone's attention and leads out what I am going to talk about, to persuade people not drunk driving. Body: Part 1: Provide some statistic for audience that shows drunk driving is really dangerous. New research released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 32,885 people died in traffic crashes in 2010 in the United States, including an estimated 10,228 people who died in drunk driving crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic deaths last year .More than two-thirds of the 10,228 drunk driving deaths (7,145 or 70 percent) involved drivers with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .15 or higher. And statistic also shows that in 2010, more than three people were killed in drunk driving fatalities for every 100,000 Americans. 30 percent of us will be involved in a drunk driving accident in our lives. Every 45 minutes, someone will be killed by a drunk driver. And at least 50 percent of drunk drivers will continue to drive drunk after having their licenses suspended. Part 2: Why should we not drunk driving When an alcoholic drinks, his head is full of lies, and those lies tell me that I'm ok, I'll be able to keep the car between the lines or I won't get caught this time. Quote from Dan Hoge. Drink alcohol make you excited, and if you drink too much which...
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...influence of alcohol and drugs create risks for the driver, but everyone else on the road as well. Alcohol and drug use behind the wheel has become second nature in our country, and must be stopped and every case should have the maximum penalty. It has been going on for too long and now with your help we can stop this madness. Each day in the United States, people drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs almost 300,000 times, but fewer than 4,000 are actually arrested for this crime (Federal Bureau of Investigation. Crime in the United States: 2014). According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an estimated 9.9 million people aged 12 or older (or 3.8 percent of teens and adults) reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs during the year prior to being surveyed. This was lower than the rate in 2012 (3.9 percent). By comparison, in 2013, an estimated 28.7 million people (10.9 percent) reported driving under the influence of alcohol at least once in the past year (SAMHSA, 2014). In 2012 alone, 10.3 million people reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs in the past year (2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health). Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $59 billion. The consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs can...
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...FTVMS 11O Assignment 2: Research Essay (Final) My assignment 2 question is : “Pollay (1986) suggests that advertising has profound consequences due to its pervasiveness, stereotypical portrayals, manipulative and persuasive nature, preoccupation with materialism and consumption, frequent use of sex appeals and lack of information” (Yeshin 18). Critically discuss this claim, looking both at the flaws in Pollay’s argument AND the ways in which aspects of his argument might be considered valid. Hypothesis : Advertising itself is very indistinguishable to the idea of complexation as it has got multi-purposes but connects as one. By having a consumer society it would unquestionable mean that advertising will posses negative aspects that cause manipulative and persuasive, therefore a false consciousness society is established, this is quite visible throughout history of Advertisement. However Advertisement can also influence positive attributes, depending on how an advertisement is understood. Essay: Advertising is often referred as a “mediated form of communication” (Richard and Cullen) usually from a recognisable source that manipulates as it gains control over the viewer to take a particular action in order to be satisfied whether it is materialistic or informational. In the article “Distorted Mirror” by W.Pollay, he suggests that advertising is nothing but pervasiveness and leads to consequences in our society. As he states “Perhaps the least important...
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...Kendra Lopez Comms 101 7/22/2012 Prof. Perkins Persuasive Speech I.Attention 1. You tube video clip, “Dedicated to Loved Ones Lost” 2. Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2011.) II. Central Thesis Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues to have severe and life threatening consequences for those involved, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic. III. Body A. Need: Drunk driving occurs everyday, and many lives are taken because of one person choice. 1. Every 52 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash (10,288 people in total in 2012). (Madd.org “About drunk Driving”). 2. 900,000 people are arrested each years and 1/3 of those are repeat offenders. (drinkinganddriving.org “Drunk Driving Statistics”). 3. The annual cost of alcohol- related crashes totals more than $51 billion. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “ Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”). 4. An average drunk driver will drive drunk 87 times before being pulled over. (Word Press, “Statistics”). B. Satisfaction: We all need to actively help prevent drunk driving. 1. Plan ahead. a. Put money aside for a taxi. b. Have a designated driver. c. Have a back up designated driver. 2. Never let anyone drive drunk. a. Offer to drive them home. b. Offer to get them a taxi. c. Stop being afraid to speak up. 3. Hosting a party ...
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...Good Student Professor Raynor Persuasive Speech Title: Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana General Purpose: To Persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade or reinforce the attitude of my audience towards the legalization of marijuana being best for our country. Thematic Statement: There are many reasons for why marijuana should be legal but due to lack of time I will only be discussing marijuana’s health risks and how it compares to alcohol, the government’s financial gain from legalization, and popular oppositions and myths about marijuana. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction: Hi my name is Good Student and I’m going to talk to you about some facts on Cannabis or marijuana. A. Attention: I would like to ask a favor of everyone, because I am discussing something slightly controversial I would like you to keep an open mind or try to about what I have to say and realize that I am only stating well-researched facts. B. Audience connect/credibility: With that said, I do not condone smoking. I am an objective person and feel that the pros greatly outweigh the cons when it comes to legalizing marijuana. I believe the best strategy for persuasion is presenting the facts and researched statistics on the topic at hand. C. Thematic Statement: There are many reasons for why marijuana should be legal but due to lack of time I will only...
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...Markel Stavro Seema Kurup English 101 W01 October 8, 2014 Advertising towards children should be banned A child has a vulnerable mind. He is attempting to understand how the world works, and constantly absorbing all kinds of impressions by scanning the environment he lives in. Television advertisements are very stimulating to adults, let alone to a child that lacks the knowledge of knowing whether an advertisement message is good or bad for his wellbeing. I believe that there should be a restriction on television advertisements aimed at children because they have immature minds and are easily influenced. Nowadays, children spend most of their time in front of TV screens and as a consequence, allowing TV to manipulate their minds to a great extent. It alters their way of thinking. Children’s mind is not mature enough to differentiate what is right and wrong. For that reason, they majorly rely on the feedback they receive from their parents and school. They are told in school or by their parents that something is not good for their health or dangerous but on TV there are advertisements going on that say those acts or things are completely fine and they should be followed. Eventually, kids will develop a bad mindset of how happiness is achieved. They will grow up with the delusion that they will get fulfillment from objects, however, the reality is that materialistic products will only briefly satisfy them. This leads...
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...PERSUASIVE SPEECH Topic: Vegetarianism [INTRODUCTION] Attention getter: I’d like to start off my speech with the words of George Bernard Shaw: "Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends." Purpose and Thesis: As you may have guessed, today I’ll try to persuade you all to consider thinking about being vegetarian. Enumerated Preview: Vegetarianism used to be an unusual lifestyle choice. Today it is becoming more common and accepted by mainstream society. While there are many reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet, I’ll tell you the most important ones. Throughout the course of this presentation, we will see the personal health advantages of becoming a vegetarian, our ability to prevent animal cruelty, and the benefits to the environment and the world. Impact of the Topic and Speech: I hope that my speech will give you some thoughts to think and questions to ask. So if you have any, you may ask them after my talk. Transition: First, let’s examine the health benefits of becoming a vegetarian [BODY] I. Becoming a vegetarian has substantial health benefits. HEART DISEASE RISK Vegetarians have a lower chance of developing heart disease than meat-eaters, according to a study published in the journal "Public Health Nutrition." This large-scale study was undertaken by researchers of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in Oxford, England, and studied a total of 76,172 women and men living in the United Kingdom, United States and Germany. Overall, vegetarians were...
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...Persuasive Speech: Texting and Driving Rough Draft Imagine this: You’re driving to school like its any normal day. You want to see if your friend is already there so you pick up the phone to text him, what could it hurt, you’re only going to look away for a couple of seconds. Next thing you know you’ve lost control of the wheel and when your eyes open again, you’re lying in a hospital bed. You have broken collarbone and arm, but yet, you’re considered lucky because you are alive. You’re lucky because you ran up a curb and hit a tree, not another car or a biker. Texting and driving is a growing occurrence. All it takes is a few seconds of your time away from the road to get into an accident. While some might not believe it, no matter what you feel like you have to say at the moment, it can wait. Unfortunately, a lot of drivers do not see the problem with texting and driving, or they do not believe that it is an issue. The phrase, “I’m a good texter,” is often times used as justification, and I’m here to tell you that there is no such thing. 77% of adults confidently say that they can text and drive while 55% of young adult or teen drivers claim that “it’s easy.” In 2011 23% of car crashes were texting related, so if all of the confident people were “good” texters, the numbers would add up. Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field, so a lot can happen in that time...
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...Persuasive Speech “Driving is Dangerous Enough” Drivers around the world have discovered a new way to make our highways unsafe for all. It is as dangerous and as lethal as driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Many of us do this on a daily basis. On your way to class this morning, how many times did you receive a call or make a call on your cell phone? How many times did you receive a text or send a text? Some may say 5, some may say 10 but chances are no one will say 0. Would you try to cook a meal or even play baseball while driving your vehicle? These require our full concentration, in order not to burn what you are cooking or to pitch a strike. Driving is the same. It requires your full concentration. It is a known fact that our brain cannot concentrate on more than a couple of things at once. So then how is it that we believe that we can drive a vehicle and talk on a cell phone or text at the same time? Driving requires awareness, alertness and anticipation. Accidents occur in a split second, in the blink of an eye. It only takes someone’s loss of focus for one second for the most fatal accidents to occur. At the same time, driving can be tedious and repetitive and also tiring. Many of us are used to having our radio or CD’s playing while we drive. My own teenager argued the point of, “what is the difference in listening to my radio or listening to my friend talk on the phone to me?” Even though it is true that a radio can also be...
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...observing the effects of alcohol on the growing fetus. Firstly, the issue will be to identify ways in which consumption of alcohol affects pre and postnatal conception. Barnes and Bradley (1990) assert consumption of alcohol during pregnancy may have serious consequences for the fetus. Furthermore, the importance of current health initiatives relating to fetal alcohol syndrome will be addressed, including preventable measures. In addition, throughout the assignment, one will abbreviate Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects to FAS/E Barnes and Bradley (1990) emphasise alcohol travels through the blood stream to affect the sperm, egg and fetus. Professor Kaufman 1988 (in Barnes and Bradley 1991,p.98) suggests “no alcohol in the preconception preparation stage for both partners”, and during pregnancy for the women. Similarly, Stroebe (2000) stipulate women should not drink alcohol for the duration of pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects termed fetal alcohol syndrome. Moreover, Beattie 1981 (in Booth and Williams 1985, p75) highlight social and constant heavy drinking especially in the first trimester of pregnancy can damage the normal growth of the fetus. In support of this Zieman (2004) assert drinking during the first trimester is the most serious, and babies exposed to alcohol at this most crucial time often have small brains and physical problems, what's more these babies can develop severe learning difficulties. Zieman (2004) additionally suggest alcohol crosses the placenta...
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...Most Commonly abused drugs and their effects. 1. Alcohol- With over half (52.5%) of U.S. population identified as drinkers, alcohol is the #1 abused substance in America. An estimated 135.5 million people drink alcohol, but of those people, 86 million are considered to be abusers, which include heavy drinking, binge drinking and underage drinking. Twenty-three percent of the population participates in binge drinking (59.7 million) and 6.5% of the population reported heavy drinking (17.0 million). An estimated 81.4% of people who drank alcohol for the first time were younger than age 21 at the time they started drinking, and 9.3 million underage people aged 12 to 20 were current drinkers. Short term effects of alcohol include: * Slurred speech * Drowsiness * Relaxation * Feelings of pleasure * Distorted vision * Impaired judgment and slowed thinking * Decreased perception and coordination * Unconsciousness * Blackouts (memory lapses where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence) Long term effects of alcohol include: * Liver failure * Brain damage * Sexual dysfunction * Fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth defects during pregnancy * Stomach ulcers * Malnutrition * Weight gain * Risk of cancer in the mouth and throat * High blood pressure * Increased risk for stroke and heart-related diseases * Tolerance and physical dependence * Addiction 2. Tobacco-...
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...Introduction English is general considered to be the global language, a lingua franca, in terms of the population and wide-spread of its users. According to The World Factbook (2009), researched by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of USA, English is accepted as the official language in approximately 60 countries and regions. With the wide range of use in the world and its long history, English borrowed certain amount of vocabulary from other languages. As a result, an extremely common language feature can be detected in the large amount of English words which is synonyms. Synonyms are pairs of words sharing similar meaning or semantic features (Jackson & Amvela, 2007). Nevertheless, as recognized by many linguists, the meaning of synonyms differs for their connotations, dialects, collocations and syntactic features. In this research essay, a corpus-based study on the similarities and differences of synonyms will be conducted by examining claim and state. The essay will be divided into three parts, which are Literature Review, Methodology and Findings and Results. After that, a conclusion will be drawn as the summary and revision. Literature Review Synonym is considered to be an important part of the semantic study which focuses on the relational meanings of lexis. It is generally agreed that the meanings of words are closely related to the collocations and contexts in the sentences. Also, as mentioned in the introduction, synonyms are referring to the words which “have...
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...Informative Speech: Cinco de Mayo gives most Americans a reason to drink tequila, eat tacos, and party hard. Today I will explain the history behind this holiday, common misconceptions, and why it is celebrated. According to History.com, Cinco De Mayo took place on May 5th 1862. It commemorates the Mexican army's victory over France at the Battle of Puebla. What was the reason behind the Battle of Puebla? Simply put, Mexico had trouble paying back war debts to European countries, and France had come to collect on this debt. To understand the significance of this victory, consider at the time of this battle, the French army was considered the premier army of the world. 6500 well armed French Troops went head to head against 4700 under equipped Mexican Soldiers. They battled fiercely for 2 hours, until the French were forced to retreat. The Mexican Soldiers thru sheer will and determination had defeated the most powerful army in the entire world. The reason Americans celebrate this holiday is that we appreciate the cultural signifigance of what this battle represents. (Victory in the face of great odds and the Patriotism it generated). A common misconception made with Cinco De Mayo is that it celebrates Mexicos Independence. According to Wikipedia,. Mexico celebrates its independence on September 16, because it was on that day in 1810 that Father Miguel Hidalgo[->0] took to his pulpit in the village church of the town of Dolores and invited his flock to take up arms and join him[->1]...
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