Jacob Gurrola
English 1301.153
Mrs. Beth Walker
October 2, 2012
Comparing my Education to Sherman Alexie’s Indian Education Sherman Alexie’s Indian Education tells of the hardships, such as bullying and racial discrimination, that Alexie faced in reservation grade school; I, on the other hand, faced minimum hardships since I went to private grade school. The rules of the private school I went to are based on the Bible, and this created a friendly Christian environment among the students, so bullying of any sort was scarce. Alexie faced constant bullying in the reservation schools he attended. My elementary school life was peaceful and violence was uncommon, whereas Alexie’s elementary school life was traumatizing for him, facing problems with bullying and racism. My elementary life is eventful and enjoyable. One vivid memory I had in my elementary years, specifically first grade, is vomiting every other day during school. This was not caused by bullying; it was caused by scheduling P.E right after lunch. Every lunch I would drink chocolate milk with my meal. After enduring a vigorous exercise in P.E, the entire grade would line up so they could go back to class and continue their learning. Before we would leave to go to class, that is when I would erupt my lunch onto the green carpet we ran on. One noticeable food item in my vomit was chocolate milk. After first grade, I had the desire to switch schools, not because I was tired of the school I was going to, but because I wanted to go to the public school my aunt taught at. Sadly, I was not able to go to that school, and I went to a different public school, one that was closer to home. After experiencing a couple months of the public school life, I wanted to return to the private school I had attended. I wanted to return because I was disinterested in what the teacher was teaching. I was disinterested because what the teacher had taught me I had already been taught in first grade. Since I was bored in second grade, I stopped working on my homework, and this resulted in an immense drop in my grades. Once I had departed from public school for a grade, I returned to my private school in third grade. I had made friends in this grade, whom I always played with and became good friends with. These same friends I spent a jubilant time with for the rest of my elementary school life. In sixth grade, my friends had drifted away from me, but I had become best friends with the new student who came from another private school. With my best friend, we enjoyed the rest of my grade school life together. Whereas my school life is joyful, Alexie’s elementary school life is filled with bullying and racial discrimination, making his life miserable and intolerable, but he always found the positives in these situations. Throughout his life, he “always stood alone in the corner” (144). In first grade, he was mocked and called hurtful names, such as “Junior Falls Down . . . . Bloody Nose or Steal-His-Lunch” (143). He had enough of the name calling and punched the bully in his face. Obviously, he was sent to the principal’s office, but on the way there, the thought that kept him calm during his trip to the principal’s office is “It’s a good day to die” (143). In second grade, he was racially discriminated by his teacher, who is “so ugly that no one ever had a puppy crush on her” (143). She sent a letter to Alexie’s parents, asking that Alexie have his braids cut off, or to not even bother coming to class the next day. His parents came to class the next day and “dragged their braids” across her desk (143). Braids are a part of Indian culture, so this reaction to the teacher’s request is to be expected. Alexie knew he can rely on his parents to defend him when it comes to racially discriminating situations. In sixth grade, Alexie had learned a valuable lesson from a new student that he became best friends with. This lesson is to “Always throw the first punch” (145). With this lesson, Alexie gained a best friend, a friend he can trust. My elementary years have one significant difference and one significant similarity with Alexie’s elementary years. One significant difference is that I was never bullied or mocked as Alexie was. The only hardship I faced in elementary school is the daily vomiting in first grade which does not compare to Alexie’s constant harassment by other students of his own race, not to mention he was racially discriminated by his teacher in second grade. The one significant similarity, however, is that we had both found our best friends in sixth grade, who made our lives easier to deal with in later grades. Alexie’s elementary life was tougher than my elementary life. His life is filled with violence and pain, whereas mine is joyful and easy to deal with. The only hardship I dealed with is vomiting on an almost daily basis. Alexie dealed with many hardships, and the people who made his life miserable did not help with making his life enjoyable. We both had found a friend in sixth grade, though, which made life easier. Alexie had a memorable education, but this education is one that he most likely would have happily exchanged for mine.