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Aliens At War Research Paper

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Galaxies flush their waste into deep space and surrounding halos. This flush of heavy elements by galaxies can be seen millions of light years a way. Could this be a distant galactic alien war? It seems like an odd proposition, since believers generally regard aliens as advanced beings. However, the flushing of space elements into other galaxies could be something NASA should look into. Especially since human waste is filling the Earth at alarming rates. The World Bank estimates that human waste will exceed 11 million tons per day by the year 2100. Maybe NASA can figure out a way to launch it into space instead.

Borderless Galactic Space Waste
New research from the University of Colorado Boulder has found that galaxies launch heavy elements into deep space and surrounding halos. The study, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, highlights the flushing pattern of galaxies. Oxygen, iron, and carbon atoms fill halos outside of galaxies more than inside. Getting rid of waste is good, right? Not for galaxies. They need those heavy space elements in order to build new stars and planets. The $70 million Cosmic Origin Spectrograph collected the data. This expensive instrument studies the evolution of the universe and is installed on the NASA Hubble Telescope. …show more content…
If there are no heavy elements in space for new stars and planets, does that mean space will soon be deprived of what it needs to grow? Instead of recycling the much needed space elements, it is wasted, according to the study. Could the new data mark the beginning of the end for some galaxies? Aliens may be battling for galactic supremacy in a war that us Earthlings are simply unaware of. Aliens from one galaxy may be sucking the much-needed star and planet building elements from a neighboring galaxy in order to create a new set of planets for

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