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Frederick Douglass: The Many Faces Of Oppression

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There are currently forty-nine dictatorships in the world, a dictator uses many types of oppression to keep control of his citizens. In these forty-nine countries, the different faces of oppression are more easily seen, but that does not mean in countries considered “free” nobody is oppressed. Whether it’s 1800s America or modern day American the many faces of oppression can still be found. Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave, and author lived through many of this oppression his entire life. Barbara Ehrenreich, a successful journalist, discovered many of these oppressions while doing an experiment for an article. Being seen as a country in the “free-world” does not make our society immune to the powers of oppression. Douglass recognized how powerlessness he felt while being a slave from at very young age. He feelt it was unfair that the white kids knew their birthdays while he wasn’t even allowed to ask about his (Frederick Douglass 1). He could not ask his master because his master deemed the questions as a sign of a restless spirit. This was not the last time Douglass would have his right to knowledge denied. When Douglass was sent to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she began to teach him but when Mr. Auld found out about the …show more content…
After work when she would be dirty from the day, other service workers would ignore her. She would even be stared down by everyday people in the grocery store judging her for what she spent her money on (Ehrenreich 100). Ehrenreich saw Pauline, one of her fellow maids, be marginalized by their manager. She was getting paid less than anyone else though she had been working there longer than anyone. Pauline left the job because she had to get surgery for the damage the job did to her and on her last day, their manager didn’t say a word to her (Ehrenreich 116). The only mention of Pauline was in the newsletter published by

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