...EVALUASI PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL TERHADAP PROSEDUR PENERIMAAN DAN PENGELUARAN KAS PADA PT. TASPEN (PERSERO) CABANG SURAKARTA Tugas Akhir Diajukan untuk memenuhi Syarat Guna Mencapai Gelar Ahli Madya Akuntansi Keuangan Disusun oleh : EMMA MUTIARA RAHMAWATI F 3306135 PROGRAM STUDI DIPLOMA III AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET SURAKARTA 2009 ii iii MOTTO “Kesempurnaan bukanlah jaminan untuk kita mendapatkan sesuatu yang kita inginkan dan membahagiakan kita” “ wanita itu diciptakan dari tulang rusuk pria..bukan dari kepalanya untuk menjadi atasannya, bukan pula dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasnya, melainkan dari sisinya untuk menjadi teman hidupnya, dekat pada lengannya untuk dilindungi dan dekat dengan hatinya untuk dicintai..” “Mempercayai segala sesuat adalah indah, namun membawa kepercayaan-kepercayaan itu di dalam karya nyata adalah sebuah ujian kekuatan. Banyak yang berbicara seperti deru ombak tetapi kehidupanyya dangkal dan mati, seperti rawa-rawa yang berbau tidak enak. Banyak yang mengangkat kepalanya tinggi-tinggi diatas puncak-puncak pegunungan, namun jiwa mereka tetap mati di dalam lubang besar” “ Jadikanlah sabar dan sholat sebagai penolongmu, Sesungguhnya ALLah beserta dengan orang-orang yang sabar, DIA adalah sebaik-baik pelindung, dan hanya dengan mengingat ALLah hati menjadi tenteram” “dalam kisah pasti ada akhir, tapi dalam kehidupan setiap akhir adalah awal” iv PERSEMBAHAN Tugas Akhir ini...
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...alm OilAnalisis Determinan Ekspor Minyak Kelapa Sawit (CPO) Indonesia http://arfendios.blogspot.com/2013/08/analisis-determinan-ekspor-minyak_1.html PENDAHULUAN Perdagangan internasional merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam perekonomian setiap negara di dunia. Hal ini didorong oleh semakin meningkatnya hubungan saling ketergantungan (interdependence) antara suatu negara dengan negara lain baik di bidang ekonomi, politik, sosial dan budaya (Hady, 2001). Menurut Dornbusch, Fischer dan Startz (2008: 278) dan Sugiharini (2006) keadaan ini sering disebut dengan istilah globalisasi yaitu pergerakan ke suatu perekonomian global. Di era globalisasi ini, perdagangan internasional sudah menjadi kebutuhan bagi setiap bangsa dan negara yang ingin maju khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi. Negara-negara melakukan perdagangan internasional dikarenakan dua alasan utama. Pertama, adanya perbedaan antara satu sama lain seperti kondisi geografi, iklim, tingkat penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) dan lain-lain. Kedua, adanya tujuan untuk mencapai skala ekonomis (economies of scale) dalam proses produksi. Kedua tujuan tersebut memicu untuk menghasilkan keuntungan (gains from trade) bagi kedua negara yang melakukan perdagangan (Krugman dan Obstfeld, 1993: 15). Keuntungan tersebut antara lain: (a) memperoleh berbagai produk yang tidak dapat diproduksi di dalam negeri, (b) memperluas pasar produk dalam negeri, (c) memperoleh transfer teknologi yang lebih moderen dari luar negeri...
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...PROHIBITION OF RIBA FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF FOUR MAIN SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT Introduction In the comprehensive and restrictive meaning, riba is defined as “any increment incurred upon specific ribawi (usurious) items originated either from debt or trading transactions”. Apart from its literal meaning of “increase”, classical Islamic scholars such as Ibn Arabi, Mujahid and Tabari interpreted riba as an ‘increase without wealth (mal) attached to it’, or as ‘compensation for waiting’ or ‘increase of amount owing to the lenders due to the deferment of payment resulted from extension of original loan tenure’. Such interpretation encompasses riba from debt transaction (i.e. riba ad-duyun) as well as riba from trading of the six ribawi items (i.e. riba al buyu’). The prohibition of riba appears in Al-Quran in four different revelations. The first of these is in Surah Ar-Rum ayyat 39 which emphasized on moral denunciation for those who gives riba and commendation for those who contribute tithe (zakat). The second revelation is in Surah An-Nisa ayyat 161 concerning riba and the Jews. It severely condemned the Jews who took riba despite they were forbidden to do so. The third revelation in Surah Ali Imran ayyat 130 enjoined the Muslims to keep away themselves from riba and the fourth revelation in Surah Al-Baqarah ayyat 275-278 delineate the strong verdict against riba especially the two excerpts from ayyat 275 which stated that “Those who devour riba will not stand except as one...
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...Bhajagovindam or Moha Mudgara of Adi Shankaracharya A Layman's Commentary This layman’s commentary on Bhajagovindam is made so that those who have not read the great work of the most revered Jagat Guru Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada would be prompted to do so and study it with the help of an authoritative commentary. Prayer: “Om Sthaapakaaya cha dharmasya sarva dharma swaroopine Avataara varishthaya Ramakrishnaayate namah” ("I bow to Sri Ramakrishna, the most Supreme among all Incarnations of God, who established Dharma (religion) and who is the embodiment of all dharmas") ******************************************************************************************* Let us start with what the great Rajaji (C.Rajagopalachari) said about Bhajagovindam: RAJAJI’S INTRODUCTION “Adi Sankaracharya wrote a number of Vedantic works for imparting knowledge of the Self and the Universal Spirit. He also composed a number of hymns to foster Bhakti in the hearts of men. One of these hymns is the famous Bhajagovindam. The way of devotion is not different from the way of knowledge or Jnana. When intelligence matures and lodges securely in the mind, it becomes wisdom. When wisdom is integrated with life, and issues out in action, it becomes Bhakti. Knowledge, when it becomes fully mature, is Bhakti. If it does not get transformed into Bhakti, such knowledge is useless tinsel. To believe that Jnana and Bhakti, knowledge and devotion, are different from each other, is ignorance...
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...Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar "Father Of Indian Constitution" India’s first Law Minister Architect of the Constitution of India ii http://www.ambedkar.org Born April 14, 1891, Mhow, India Died Dec. 6, 1956, New Delhi Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, was the first Minister of Law soon after the Independence of India in 1947 and was the Chairman of the drafting committee for the Constitution of India As such he was chiefly responsible for drafting of The Constitution of India. Ambedkar was born on the 14th April, 1891. After graduating from Elphinstone College, Bombay in 1912, he joined Columbia University, USA where he was awarded Ph.D. Later he joined the London School of Economics & obtained a degree of D.Sc. ( Economics) and was called to the Bar from Gray's Inn. He returned to India in 1923 and started the 'Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha' for the education and economic improvement of the lower classes from where he came. One of the greatest contributions of Dr. Ambedkar was in respect of Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Constitution of India. The Fundamental Rights provide for freedom, equality, and abolition of Untouchability & remedies to ensure the enforcement of rights. The Directive Principles enshrine the broad guiding principles for securing fair distribution of wealth & better living conditions. On the 14th October, 1956, Babasaheb Ambedkar a scholar in Hinduism embraced Buddhism. He continued the crusade for...
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...to have read the manuscript Of Changes and Transformations: Bangladesh Bank [July 2009-June 2013] highlighting changes the central bank has gone through in the past four years, but certainly had a cursory look at it. The publication of the book is of great significance at a time when the present government has just completed its four years in office. I welcome this initiative by Bangladesh Bank. I would like to thank Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman and others concerned with the project. The effort put in by the editors and their team of script writers to enrich the volume is certainly praiseworthy. I am extremely delighted to have the opportunity to write few words upon the book. Here I would like to touch upon the key aspects of the revolutionary changes that I have witnessed in Bangladesh Bank during the past four years. Firstly, digitization has taken place rapidly in the central bank and the whole banking sector was quick to follow suit. Secondly, mobile banking has been introduced and expanded significantly. This process will come its fruition with the introduction of PayPal payment system. Thirdly, revolutionary changes have taken place in CSR. Fourthly, Bangladesh Bank has achieved commendable success in financial inclusion program. Bangladesh Bank's role in involving the mass people into financial activities is undeniable. Finally, the establishment of Currency Museum is a great initiative of Bangladesh Bank. I would now like to say a few words on the economic condition of the...
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...The Garuda Purana This is a translation of an abridged version of the Garuda Purana. The Garuda Purana is one of the Vishnu Puranas. It is in the form of a dialog between Vishnu and Garuda, the King of Birds. The second section of this Purana (given here) deals with issues connected with death, particularly funeral rites and the metaphysics of reincarnation. Portions of the Garuda Purana are used by some Hindus as funeral liturgy. Indeed, some consider it unlucky to read this text except during funerals. Of interest are the intermediate states between birth and rebirth, which roughly correspond to the western concepts of Hell and Heaven. Since this was written during the medieval era, it is possible that the writer of this text had contact with Christianity. Earlier Hindu texts do not elaborate about 'hell' and 'heaven,' at least not to this extent, and the subject is completely absent in the oldest texts. Here, the torments of Hell are described in terms that would not be out of place in a Baptist revival tent (or Dante, for that matter). In addition, the four-square city of Yama, the God of Death, is reminiscent of the heavenly city in Revelation. However, these are way stations between incarnations (or, as termed in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Bardos), not a permanent destination. The Garuda Purana starts with the details of the afterlife. Following this is an account of funeral procedures, including rituals, the astrological timing of the post-death observances, and ritual...
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...Kautilya's Arthashastra Translated into English by R. Shamasastry Kautilya's Arthashastra Translated into English by R. Shamasastry Kautilya's Arthashastra Table of Contents Book I, "Concerning Discipline" .............................................................. 3 Book II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents" ....................... 60 Book III, "Concerning Law" ................................................................. 213 Book IV, "The Removal of Thorns"...................................................... 285 Book V, "The Conduct of Courtiers" ................................................... 336 Book VI: The Source of Sovereign States ............................................ 362 Book VII, "The End of the Six-Fold Policy" .......................................... 370 Book VIII: Concerning Vices and Calamities........................................ 467 Book IX, "The Work of an Invader" ..................................................... 490 Book X, "Relating to War" ................................................................... 521 Book XI, "The Conduct of Corporations" ............................................ 541 Book XII, "Concerning a Powerful Enemy" ......................................... 547 Book XIII, "Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress" ............................ 563 Book XIV, "Secret Means" ................................................................... 584 Book XV, "The Plan of a Treatise" ......
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...IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST ASIA ISLAMIC STUDIES AND ISLAMIC EDUCATION i ii IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST ASIA ISLAMIC STUDIES AND ISLAMIC EDUCATION Editors KAMARUZZAMAN BUSTAMAM-AHMAD PATRICK JORY YAYASAN ILMUWAN iii Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Cataloguing-In-Publication Data Islamic studies and Islamic education in contemporary Southeast Asia / editors: Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad, Patrick Jory ISBN 978-983-44372-3-7 (pbk.) 1. Islamic religious education--Southeast Asia. 2. Islam--Education--Southeast Asia. I. Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad. II. Jory, Patrick. 297.77 First Printed 2011 © 2011 Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad & Patrick Jory Publisher: Yayasan Ilmuwan D-0-3A, Setiawangsa Business Suites, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording – without prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed review. The opinions expressed in this publication is the personal views of the authors, and do not necessary reflect the opinion of the publisher. Layout and cover design: Font: Font size: Printer: Hafizuldin bin Satar Goudy Old Style 11 pt Gemilang Press Sdn Bhd iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T his book grew out of a three-day workshop jointly held by the Regional Studies Program, Walailak University, and the Department...
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