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American Consumerism In I Am

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“What is wrong with the world?” is such a complex question to answer. Every living being on Earth has their own perception on how they see the world, including plants, animals and human beings. The key point to grasp is we are all living beings, yet we all see the world in a completely different context. Tom Shadyac, from the movie “I Am” experienced a traumatic event leading him to have a moment of sudden realization about life. He explains the things that separate us are actually the things that prevent us from being fully human. Thom Harton, author of “Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”, starts to explain the problems of contemporary American consumerism . It is in our DNA to believe that money equals happiness. We believe that living in …show more content…
That has spread throughout the world and it is the basis of what we live on. Human beings are egocentric. From a very young age we are taught to be selfish and do whatever it takes to work towards your goal, even if that means harming others in the process. We are greedy, aggressive, violent individuals that seek confrontation to get what we want. But very few individuals ever thought of how that effects the rest of the world. Ray Anderson, CEO, states “I think we will have to have shock after shock after shock before we finally wake up, as a species, and realize we got it all wrong (Handy & Shadyac, 2011).” We live in a generation that unintentionally lives upon the idea that tragedy brings change. Robert Cammarata, professor at Molloy College, mentioned that after the 9/11 tragedy every church was filled to capacity. Individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, or culture sat side by side and all prayed and embraced together as one. This proves that one of the most devastating events in American history brought the country back together again. Fundamentally, humans are good. We have the potential to come together and act as one. The basis of our DNA is love, compassion, kindness and empathy. It is what influences us in the world that hides that part of human beings. When Darwin wrote “The Descent of Man” he mentioned the words survival of the fittest only twice and the word love 95 times. It is over time that …show more content…
We have bene looking at the world as if we are all independent, but in reality we are all connected. As mentioned in class, the idea of systematic thinking is the general belief that all things in life interconnect, intertwine and interrelate (Cammarata, 2018). Not only are we connected to other human beings, but we are connected to all of nature. Harton explains that we are connected to all of life. He says, “Look at how blue the sky is. Look at how green the grass is and how it is moving. Look at the trees moving in the wind. See the birds flying over there. See the dust blowing from the cars going down the road. It is all alive.” This was his moment of realization that we are surrounded by all living things. We are not only living human on the earth but also living plants and animals. They are breathing in the same thin layer of air that we are breathing in. Essentially, air is what is linking us all together. Argon is an element that can be found in one percent of the air. The amount that we breath in is the amount we breath out which goes all the way around the world. Ray Anderson, CEO, explains that the argon that we breath in is the same argon that Alexander The Great, Mohammad, Jesus, and the dinosaurs breath in billions of years ago (Handy & Shadyac, 2011). We are connected, by argon in the air. All of life is our biological family. We need to come together as a world and celebrate our relatives and

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