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Shae And The Monkey Summary

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Still walking Shae sees a long brown tail she stops walking and taps Shelby on the shoulder. Shelby sees it too and stops, they walk up very slowly and quietly. The monkey runs, Shae and Shelby start sprinting after it, tripping, falling running into trees, they’ll do whatever it takes to catch that monkey once it’s in there sight again Shae reaches for her stone attached to her necklace and it’s gone. She starts freaking out and slowing down Shelby notices then sees that her stone is gone so she slows down too but then the monkey stops with something in it’s hand. Shelby nudges Shae and points to the monkey it takes her awhile to figure it out but then sees that the stone is in the monkey’s hand. It must've stolen it before they even saw the …show more content…
She walks over to Shelby’s house and knocks on the door and her dad answers and said he thought she went to Shae’s house because she’s not in her room but Shae knows that they decided to go to her house. So Shae just nods and starts to go to Jasper’s house. He opens the door and Shae explains so he sends Riley out to help her find Shelby but says he can’t do anything about the stone and that that was his only one. So once they start walking to the place they stopped they start bickering about how Riley stole Shae’s pencil in kindergarten. As Riley keeps talking about it Shae stops, they are deep in the woods now and Shae shushes Riley because she thought she heard Shelby, she almost thought she was arguing with someone. “No Dave I found it so it’s mine!” They keep walking and soon enough they find Shelby, her clothes all ripped up and dirty, her hair is a mess and she’s fighting over a worm with a monkey which is all pretty weird because it hasn’t even been a day so it’s not like she’s starving or have been fighting with a bear which would explain the tattered clothes and gross …show more content…
“I got the stone, it was difficult, but I got it. I tried using it on them, but then I remembered that it would only work on you.” said Shelby. Shae suddenly felt guilty, she knows that Shelby loves animals too and those are her monkey’s so that's kind of unfair. Shelby tells them that the monkeys wouldn’t let her go so she waited for someone to find her and by monkeys she means a lot of monkey, they multiply really fast and that's why when Shelby got the monkeys, the person selling them to her said to keep them in separate caged. Shelby hands the necklace to Shae and she holds the stone very closely to the monkeys and it starts to glow. She says very carefully and slowly “Be friendly to people and stop multiplying.” So after that, all of the monkeys started volunteering for things a person would do, auditioning for plays and getting jobs, it was weird but nice. Shae’s dad stayed the same, Jasper was happy he could help and Riley, Shae and Shelby all became best

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