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American Dream Changes

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American Dream Changing to Wealthiness
Ever since I was a little girl I imagined that I would be someone big in the world because I was taught that I can be anyone I want if I work hard enough, I didn’t know then but I was thinking about the American Dream. While I was growing up that dream just kept disappearing because I was learning of all the different social classes, and how hard I would have to work. The American Dream is an idea that if people work hard enough they will be successful and everyone has an equal opportunity to do what they want. In the beginning, when the American Dream was first introduced by James Truslow Adams in the 1930’s it was about values and opportunity. From the 1930’s until now, it has changed from the values …show more content…
In the article “The Transformation of the ‘American Dream’” Robert J. Shiller introduces how the American Dream is about owning a home,this is an example of materialism. The idea about owning a home was growing because of Donald Trump and Ben Carson, but this is not the first time the idea of the American Dream has been about owning houses. In the 1950’s after World War 2 many Americans moved from urban home to suburban homes because G.I Bill that gave loans and had low morgigas for the soldiers returning home. During 2008-9 this was not the case, many people were poor because they were buying houses with money they didn’t have,they were doing this because the American Dream is about materialism, and they want to be apart of American Dream. But the American Dream should not be about materialism because it should be about values and opportunity according to Mr. …show more content…
For example in paragraphs 15 and 16 the students say that being wealthy and having money is the American Dream because all the people that are famous have money. Or people who have money get to go to a better university instead of those who don’t have money. This proves that the American Dream is not about having the opportunity to do anything you’d like or moral values because now it is just about how much money someone is, the more the money the more you are winning in the American

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