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Does The American Dream Still Exist

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Does the American dream still exist? Well the phrase” American dream” was invented during the great depression. It comes from a popular 1931 book by the historian James Trus Low Adam, who defined it as “That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone. (Leonhard .1) They have constructed a date set that shows the percentage of American Children who earn more money- and less money- than their parents earned at the same age. About 92 percent of 1940 babies had higher pretax inflation- adjusted house hold earnings at age 30 than their parents had at the same age. The few 1940 children who earned less than their parents were also, for the most part, doing just fine living. Inspired by a new book, “Chasing the American Dream”, the American dream approximately costs 130,000 annually, meaning the dream is only within the reach for about 1 in 8 American families. The American dream still exists, yet not everyone can achieve it. immigrants and first generations might be couple of steps behind. …show more content…
Undocumented immigrants hold a big numbers of jobs in restaurants, construction, and healthcare especially in taxes, which has the second largest number of undocumented immigrants behind California (3). A new analysis confirms that a sizable number of Americans can no longer afford the American dream (Goff 1). The number of Americans living alone has doubled in the last fifty years. Nearly a third of households now consist of one person (3). If we simply ask most people about their peculiar understanding of the American Dream, the majority of answers can be easily shortened to a simple one: The American dream is to become

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