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American Dream Interpretation

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Interpretation When I hear “American Dream” I immediately think of having opportunities to achieve every one’s individual goal that they have for their life and where they want to end up. For many years, the United States has been a symbol of freedom and opportunity around the entire world. Also, the dream has represented a idea and ultimate goal that people had in terms of where they wanted to be in life. This dream included having a family, a house, a job, etc. for many years and is still a dream for many today; however, the “American Dream” can also incorporate other aspirations as well and can be much more flexible in terms of what is considered an “American Dream”. Similar to the individuals being interviewed within the New York Times

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...Through doing the research about dreams I have learned a vast about of important information from how to write an annotated bibliography, how to use VCU’s library system online, how to critically dissect as well as review my paper and the most important what different people believe a dream means to them. Once again my knowledge of VCU’s online library research system came in handy. Because I knew the correct ways to search of information through this data base it helped eliminate unneeded information. The writing workshops gave me and in depth look and how to read a paper from the readers point of view versus just the writer’s voice. It also gave me a chance to see how other people would create such a paper and gave me tips on where I was lacking strength. Having someone else read and criticized your work humbles you as well as gives you room to grow as a writer. Along with the workshop having you look over my paper and giving me your feedback helped be discover ways I could elaborate and fix my claim. Since this is the second time I have written and read research on the topic of dreams I feel like I have a stronger understanding of how beneficial dreams are to your lives. If I have dream that frightens me I know have a idea of where it came from and how it relates to my day to day life because I have read so many different views and opinions on dream analysis. Learning about the different ways people view the ‘meaning’ of a dream really gives me a new appreciation...

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