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Lac Long History Research Paper

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Everyone is existing for a purpose. For some, the discovery of his purpose is a lifelong process.
The history of my family, like most Vietnamese families, is attached to the history of our Fatherland. The history of Vietnam is a history of struggle against foreign invasions, to preserve our independence. The legend of Lac Long Quan and Au Co is a primitive explanation of the origin of the Vietnamese peoples. Although legend imbued with mystical myth, nevertheless expresses its philosophy about our origins.
According to our legend, the Vietnamese descended from father Lac Long Quan, the god and king of the dragon, and mother Au Co, a fairy angel. Lac and Au Co married and gave birth to a sack that contained 100 eggs, from which hatched 100 …show more content…
The practice virtually became a religion, as almost all families have an ancestry altar the most honorable place in their home. It is to beliefs that the ancestors, although dead, continued in existence, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of their living offspring.
The Vietnamese follow the patriarchal system, whereas the children bore their fathers’ families name. The father plays the leading role in his family, also his eldest son has a special place in ancestor worship and veneration. However, it has been a long tradition that Vietnamese women also allowed to participate and co-officiate in the ancestor veneration duties, especially when there is no man in the house and the widow assumes the head of the household role.
Having come from this rich Vietnamese cultural, I have grown up being an only child of my single mother in such a cradle of my family and country. I naturally absorb what my mother and the Vietnamese culture taught has been worshipping and venerate my ancestors. Nonetheless, I still feel incomplete when I offered prayers or wishes for something. I understand that I begot by my mother, who begot by her parents, who begot by my ancestors, but then who begot my ancestors? Although our cultural belief in Omnipotent Creator who created heaven and earth and the Five Elements, this Subject is not clearly and properly

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