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I Am Malala Research Paper

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I Am Malala Malala is strong hearted girl that will never back down without a fight. Malala was shot for standing up for female education in her hometown of Swat Valley, Pakistan. Even after getting shot, she still stood up and spoke out about neglecting female education. A lot of people who would have gone what she went through would have backed down and gave up on their teachings, but Malala didn’t. She kept on spreading her beliefs and her teachings on what she felt were supposed to be right. I wonder if more girls will stand up and speak out on neglecting their rights to education, or will they just go along with the rules and traditions that their accustomed to and let Malala do this all alone. A lot of people don’t stand up for what they believe in so they sit back and let things happen. Malala shouldn’t have been the only girl to stand up in her hometown but also other women and men as well. It takes a community and a large group of people to come together in order to fix a problem so severe like what she had to do all by herself. If you believe in something take action and defend your belief and let people know how you feel. Don’t just sit there in the dark and like nothing is happening. What type of change will you bring if just sitting there? You need to stand up and speak out. There are a lot of things that goes on that we just let happen. …show more content…
In every part of the world there things like this that are going on, but people are too scared to speak out against. More attention to Malala she is one of few people who speak out against neglecting female education. Everyone has a right to an education not just men but women too. Everywhere you go you hear people say knowledge is the key. If Knowledge is the key then why stop other from getting

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