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Why Bullying Is Dangerous

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Why is Bullying Dangerous? What Can We Do to Stop It?

Bullying has been around since the beginning of time and still is a very sensitive topic to discuss. Bullying has effective thousands of people mentally, emotionally and physical. The only way to stop this madness from further destroying our generation's ability to interact with each other and maintain a healthy social life is by incorporating a type of code of conduct into school and possibly make it a law, actually stopping bullying when you see it first hand, and being less abrasive when meeting new people. Doing these 3 things can possibly prevent bullying from happening in the future. Everyone who lives in the United States of America follows all the rules set up the government. We all know that we face consequences when we violate those rules. Now in the Constitution it states that we all have freedom of speech and press but those rights may be terminated when there is public …show more content…
Most, if not all of has either tried to stop what was going on or just brushed it aside and continued onto our normal lives. Believe it or not but those of us who brushed it off basically fed into the act of bullying that was going on. This is bad because you're turning a blind eye toward something that you might feel as ordinary or normal, but to others might be a big deal and possibly harm someone. According to CDC studies show that the 3rd leading cause of death among young students/adults is bullying. That’s about 4,000 deaths per year! Now to prevent these statistics from becoming bigger we have to stop bullying when we see it first hand. If you are a student who sees bullying occur please notify a school administrator. By telling a school administrator you potentially save someone from putting themselves in a harmful situation and thus also help them feel more safe which inadvertently helps boost their mental

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