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Spirit Wear Research Paper

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Also, studies show that comfier clothes help you work and study better because you are comfy. Wearing spirit wear helps you because it makes you relaxed and helps you be in a good environment to work. Being in a comfortable environment wearing spirit wear shows us supporting our school and helps us work. Comfy environments help us focus and study to become a better student. Wearing comfy attire makes us think that we are in a comfy environment.
Especially, going into high school soon, they have spirit wear a lot in high school. They want us to be in a comfy environment, and work. They know that being in a comfy environment helps us and they want us to do good in school. Teachers keep saying how we they are getting us ready for high school and …show more content…
They believe along with that being out of uniform will cause people to not learn and not pay attention. They think that if someone is in different attire they will change their focus from the subject to the person. Many people believe it will be a distraction for many reasons, but most is because of focus.
Aren't we already showing our school with our uniforms? With school spirit wear all it is, is a way to show our logo, which is on our uniforms. With our uniforms we are all the same way to have no distractions and to show our school. With our uniforms we show our school in a way all together as one. Why do we need spirit wear if we are already have our school represented on our uniforms?
While this may be true, spirit wear like this help us show spirit for our school in a unique way. This helps us look different by showing spirit for our school. Most teachers are all about showing our spirit towards the school and this would be a great way to do that. We would look different and that would make people look and see how we are supporting our school. They like how it shows us standing out. Although, some people don't like how it can be a

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