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Narrative About Moving Away

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Pretend you were stuck between a wall of glass and the two people you value the most. Now, imagine that the only way to remove the wall was to pick one of the two and replace them with a total stranger. I was stuck between a wall and my parents, except one of them volunteered to be replaced.
It didn't come as a surprise to me when this happened. There were five years in advance that showed the future and how it would end. This was one of the many moments where i was looking at the two people who raised me, but this time they were unrecognizable. Most adults with children argue behind closed doors to avoid the kids from hearing things they shouldn’t, but then there were my parents.
The one story house on Aransas Pass that was once …show more content…
Without hesitation the words flowed out of my dad’s mouth as if he was letting out an enormous breath, “ i am leaving you, i found someone new “ those eight words struck my mom like a bolt of lightning. The few moments between then and my mom with her back against the door were a blur, it all happened so fast. My dad began to grab my mom’s appendages to pry her away from the door knob, my mom didn’t budge. “ nadia, go lock all the doors!” the fatigue in her voice was layered with fear. I ran to the back door and locked the bottom lock, then the middle and fumbled with the chain because i had trouble reaching it. Running like the speed of light i went to the garage door and locked only the bottom and ran to the front of the …show more content…
Someone was clearly in it because i watched a silhouette move and a phone light flicker, thinking i was bigger than i actually was i went to the passenger's side window and stared into the face of who i didn’t know at the time was the brother of the woman my dad was seeing. Before i could cause a scene the front door busted open with a big cracking sound and the sharp sound of metal colliding with cement. My dad somehow got my mom out of the way long enough to open the front door and breaking the chain lock. He started towards his car in a fit of anger, cursing and laughing. You would think my mom was a track star in her earlier years because of how fast she sprinted past my dad and got in the driver’s seat of the

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