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Health Inequality

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Health inequality has effected the minority population for decades. The Akoben Health Organization has locations in areas that have a high number of minority residents. In these communities we have noticed that preventable health issues have caused problems in the lives of the individuals who reside there. These issues are due to the low socioeconomic status of these minorities. Low socioeconomic status is due to the institutional racism such as ‘zoning’ and lack of transportation. This issue of health inequality negatively impacts the life expectancy of these racial ethnic groups. Through funded programming and government assistance we can increase the life expectancy of these groups. The Akoben Health Organization believes in the idea that …show more content…
Majority of low-income homes are made of minorities. In many health outcomes and cases, minorities have the highest rates of death. Our partners from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has previously stated “that if you are black, you are 21 percent more likely to die from heart disease than if you are white. If you live in the “Deep South,” your life is an average of three years shorter than if you live in other parts of the U.S. And if you live below the poverty line, you are 25 percent more likely than higher-income Americans to develop hypertension.” We at the Akoben health organization take this claim seriously and are very passionate about helping the underserved community. Health is wealth in the U.S. but our moral obligation is to help those in need. Equity over Equality is our main goal when it comes to health. The development of many programs allows us to serve that …show more content…
We have a 24/7 office, which offers application assistant to individuals who applications have been declined and or have difficulty completing the application. We have recently created a food voucher program for the families that are going through a rough time. The food voucher program provides monthly assistance for a family of five. Another program that we have created to combat the war against health inequality is the health check up and health screening initiative. On certain days we open our facilities to host health check ups and navigate certain individuals to other hospitals for detail screenings. The Primary Care Physicians volunteer their expertise for the betterment of the community. The patient navigation program has been successful in detecting cancer and or other health concerns early. Detecting these concerns, especially cancer, at an early stage saves the lives of many. It has already been reported that the mortality rate of Blacks due to cancer is higher than all

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