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American Gender Roles Still Relevant In Today's Society

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1) Gender roles, have been around since the beginning of mankind civilization. The most memorable time for standard American gender roles and stereotypes, was in the 20s to the 80s. Men were always seen as the stronger, provider of the family, while the woman was always the caregiver and the house-keeper. It has been said lately that gender roles are a thing of the past, and that the no longer truly exist. Most people are sitting back and asking if the roles are irrelevant or not. Through a poll taken, and I can see why people are starting to have this kind of mindset. So the question is, are these roles still relevant in today’s society? 2) In support of there no longer being gender roles, many believe it could help with men be more generous and chivalrous. This is due to more freedom in relationships and not feeling like you’re are trapped to do a certain role. You can be more in your comfort zone of what your skillset is. This can also lead to more or less responsibilities within the relationships, whichever one is better. With more freedom, this can allow for more trust to be within the family, because when you’re stuck or forced to do something, humans get a sense to rebel. …show more content…
The females are getting stronger, and can now handle the men’s jobs. Since 2000 there has been an increase in stay at home dads, where the woman is out bringing home the money and the groceries. For the past century, females have been fighting for equal rights and opportunities to men. The group that fights for that are called feminist, and they still are around today, claiming unequal pay, and still unequal opportunities to men. This is simply not true. We have women leading companies, organization, owning sports teams, participating in the work force that involves hard labor. We even have men being nurses, teachers, counselors, psychologists and so

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