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High School Lunch Analysis

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I am continually eating lunch with students who have been in trouble for being problematic. The third-grader that was involved in a fight, and another first grader who punched someone in his class. I first met the first grader, and he was unsociable in the beginning. I tried to talk to him about his pizza and his class, but he was shut off, not willing to start a conversation. I later learned he had issues at home dealing with his sister and the foster care system. Apparently, the tension at home created a situation where he started to behave badly at school.
The third grader was easier to handle, he was social and willing to open himself about his interests. He mentioned his enjoyment of football, and bike riding, something the first grader latched onto to open up about himself. While things started off as tense, we became livelier by the end of lunch. …show more content…
Unfortunately, while I was watching him, he started eating at hand ball which I later learned was a big no. He hid his snacks at first and, I did not take it seriously and joked around that he was being sneaky. Later he was eating a lollipop nonchalantly while playing which I should have called him out but did not. Once my supervisor saw him, he told me it was a severe offence, as there was a fear of choking and repeated offences. One of his classmates further tattled that he has been eating in class, that made the supervisor to send him to his teacher for a confrontation. Furthermore, because of his past transgression he has to stay until 3:30 at school to get picked up because of him conflicting with other students. This kid in the short period I have been interning has repeatedly been in

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