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American International Students

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"Life was meant for good friends and great adventures" (Slickwords). Travelling alone to a strange land causes international student a great deal of stress and depression, however, the loneliness that the international students must face is not the only problem, making American friends in this strange land is also not easy. Hence, a Professor of Cultural Anthropology, using the pseudonym of Rebekah Nathan, conducted a study at "AnyU" University about international students making friends with American students. In order to make sure her study was not bias, she disguise herself as a student. During her study she discovered that the international students had difficulty making American friends. Cultural differences were the biggest problem. Every …show more content…
As state in the above paragraph, not all-American students have the opportunity to do so. For instance, Laura at the University of Central Oklahoma states that "'international students stick together… it's like they don't want to make friends with us'" and another student said, "'… I get nervous to say something wrong'… or 'if they have a thick accent that I will offend someone by asking them to repeat what they said ...'" (Stahl, par 14 and 15). There are also situation where American students does not try to be friends with the international students because of various circumstances. Or, even if the American student is trying to be friends with an international student, the American is afraid to make the international student feel bad because of a language barrier.
Furthermore, we live in a world of developing technology, students are "too" focus on their personal electronic devices. From personal experiences, I may have wanted to talk to a student that was sitting alone, however, I was scared that I would disturb them. Perhaps, not only communication, "individualism", and expectation are the problems of friendship between American students and International

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