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American Pop Culture Research Paper

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From what I find funny to the clothing I wear to what I watch, American Pop Culture has played a major role in shaping who I am and what I think about various aspects of society. I took this course as a way to gain an understanding for why Pop Culture was (and still is) impactful in my life and to figure out what makes something popular enough to have significant in American society.

While my interest in the topic is vast, my exploration into American Pop Culture is very slim — or just non existent. My experience in thinking and writing about aspects of Pop Culture mainly comes from in-depth conversations with friends about a movie and its meaning or being assigned to write a book review. Typically, a conversation I have about American Pop Culture turns into a conversation about American society as a whole, so I’m not sure if I’ve truly thought “critically” about Pop Culture in specific — which I’m excited to learn and discuss about in this course. …show more content…
I feel I’m able to understand new material the best when I take the time to talk new ideas through or think aloud about a topic at hand. Assignments such as projects, discussion/blog post writings, and graded discussions let me showcase my understanding of material as well as see the material through a new lens since I’m can get an array of perspectives in group settings. I also loved any assignments that allow me to add a modern or personal twist to whatever is happening in class, so creative projects are always right up my

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