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Why Fishing Work

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Working to Fish, Fishing to Work
To me fishing is one of the best things you can do. I have spent many hours of my life beside a body of water fishing, but I have also noticed in those many hours all the works that goes into fishing from start. Understanding the meaning behind working to fish is a simple one. It is telling of all the work that goes in to fishing before the actual deed of fishing happens. So I wake up early in the morning before the sun rises, so I can do what I need to do. Most of the time I get ready to go fishing by getting all of my poles ready, but before that I must get all of my tackle together. This means I would check the line to see if it was still good, and if it wasn’t I would either change the line or get a different pole. I would also change the lure depending on where …show more content…
So if I was fishing in a lake I might use a deeper swimming lure then I would use on a shallow creek bed. The lure also depended if I was going for larger fish or smaller ones. This would also weight on the fact of if you need to get bait, or not. Depending on the fish I am going for would very which bait I am going to use, and it also mean I would have to consider live or dead bait. If I was going to use live bait it takes even more time because I have to set up a live well or catch the bait very shortly before you go fishing. A good example of this is when I try to catch big predatory bass out of the pond, I do not have a live well so I must run up to the pond above in and catch smaller fish on crickets, and then use the to catch the bigger fish. Before I go fishing fish you have to decide if I am going to fish from the bank or am I going to from a boat. If I am going to from a boat it take more preparations but, if I fish from the bank that is about all I need. If I am fish from a

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