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Anabolic Steroids Research Paper

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Anabolic Steroids What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are a synthetic version of testosterone, which helps with muscle growth and physical performance. There have been many professional athletes, movie stars, and normal people that have used steroids and continue to use them. After all the research that has proven the serious side effects from steroid use people still use them. Who is affected by steroids? Obviously, the individual using them, the family and friends, and others that use steroids to feel good about themselves.
Why would anybody want to inject their body with a drug that has all these negative side effects? The great Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted he took steroids to maintain muscle size before his competitions. He also stated he has no regrets because he doesn’t have any side effects. I can understand why he doesn’t regret it, he is a seven time Mr. Olympia, he has made millions, became governor of California, and he has achieved much more. Arnold can defend his belief about steroids, but the scientific research is there, therefore steroids have negative effects. …show more content…
Not only do they have a negative impact on the individual, but they also impact the family and friends of the individual. The family has to cope with the individual’s mood swings, and the doctor bills when there are side effects. When the person using steroids is unable to become erect and can no longer produce sperm the partner is in a tough situation. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Another reason people give for taking steroids is to increase their muscle size or to reduce their body fat.” These people look at athletes and think, “I need to look like that.” If those role models would just work hard, and not talk about how “great” juice is, then the percent of steroid use would

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