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Dysarthria Research Paper

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Caring for someone with a mental disability can impact on your lifestyle. Even though it is challenging to do so it can be rewarding. There are many different ways to help a special needs child, namely, contacting a mental health professional to learn more about it and go on from there. However one should not forget that they also need to look after themselves. There are numerous types of mental and physical disabilities and the one this report is going to be presenting is a speech disorder. There are a lot of reason one might have a speech disorder namely, dysarthria which is a numbness and frailty of speech muscles which can cause damage to the nerves and brain.
Dysarthria is a special needs disorder that makes an individual unable to communicate …show more content…
The problem with dysarthria is physical and not psychological meaning there is nothing wrong with them in a psychological level. A child might get frustrated at the inability to communicate ad make friends as well as their friends can so that might create a risk of poor behaviour. However if the child’s family is loving and helps as well as support them it can help them overcome those obstacles. Having a child with dysarthria can make a strong impact on the amount of time the parents need to spend with their child which can cause stress if they have to work for long periods of times. There will be a lot of changes on everyone’s routines and siblings might feel left out because they are not getting as much attention as their sibling. That can result in the children being bad to get more attention or think that they are getting in the way and try to be more isolated. When taking this in consideration a parent should spend time with all their children and also speak about what happens and why. This helps the siblings understand that they are loved as much as the special need sibling but sometimes they might need to pay more attention to them. By doing this the siblings could also help and try to communicate with games like

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