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My Case Management Experience

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This article described the feeling of being overwhelmed along with frustration. I think this was a good article because being a human service worker should not assume that things will be easy. Challenges will be thrown at you and I think this article connects with the case manager’s emotional and social feelings within their work place. This relates to my volunteer site because my case manager does face some frustrations sometimes when she has to work with families. The challenges in a job are real.
Redner, L. L., & Herder, D. D. (1992). Case management's role in effecting appropriate treatment for persons with histories of childhood.. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 15(3), 37.
In the article “Case management's role in effecting appropriate …show more content…
Prior to that I worked as a life skills manager for group homes servicing mentally retarded adults. In college, I was direct care staff for a group home for mentally retarded adults
• What is your education level?
I have my B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies from Penn State University
• Tell me the story of how you decided to enter this …show more content…
I loved my clients and thought that it would be great to have my boss’s job as a “house manager.” When I graduated and came back to the Philly area, I applied that kind of position and immediately got it at Step by Step, Inc. The pay was terrible but the work was rewarding. I was in charge of 4 group homes, 15 staff and 12 MR adults. I had to staff the homes 24 hours a day, make sure the guys were well cared for and administer meds. I was also a certified handle with care trainer which allowed me to restrain these individuals without hurting them or myself. Thankfully, I never had to do this. However, I had 2 clients die and at that time I was very attached to the people I served. The company policy was to clear out their rooms and fill it with another individual. I had always wanted to work with children and the fact that these beds were filled without grieving time was a hard pill to swallow. I was way too young to be that cold about people. One of the agencies I worked with at that time was Montgomery County MH/MR case management. They told me that they are always hiring at the county and all I had to do was take the civil service exam. I took County Caseworker 2 exam and put myself on the list for the counties I was willing to travel to. I was interviewed for the MH/MR case manager position as well as the

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