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Submitted By Hellostudy
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Diet Analysis Essay - the Results from a 3 Day Study
Nutrition has played a big part in my life even prior to taking Biology 101. To say the least I am fascinated by nutrition. I enjoy reading Men's Health magazine and watching television shows like The Doctor's and Doctor Oz because they are filled with nutrition tips, and scientific studies about fitness and health. I constantly follow the latest nutritional news because and I am a firm believer that your diet is the biggest component of your health and I wish to make most of my life. Biology 101 has been an extremely useful and knowledgeable course because I can personally relate to it and can apply much of the information learned to my own life. The Diet Analysis project was wonderful because it gave me a first hand look at my own diet habits.
My actual intakes of the different food groups were somewhat near what the "My Pyramid" had recommended. I was within range for grains, fruits and milk. My consumption of meat & beans and discretionary calories were 181% and 150% of my recommendation respectively. Vegetables on the other hand were severely low at only 35% of my recommended goal. It was evident from this basic food guide pyramid that I was over consuming meats/beans and discretionary calories and was under consuming vegetables. I definitely need to adjust my diet so that I will consume more vegetables and a slight increase in fruits. All together I need to consume an extra 2.5 cups of vegetables daily which I will do by eating salads, broccoli, cauliflower carrots and corn. I also need a minor increase in fruits (~1 cup) which will be dealt with by eating an additional apple, orange or pear daily. I live the typical American diet and I generally eat meat at every meal. One thing I will consider eating smaller portions of meat, and will substitute the various vegetables that I mentioned above as an

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