...Demografisch: Demografisch richt zich op de bevolkingssamenstelling zoals de bevolkingsopbouw, dichtheid, geografische kenmerken en verschillen en de infrastructuur. Bevolkingsopbouw Nederland vergrijst dat betekent dat er steeds meer 65 plusser zijn op steeds minder werkenden. De verhouding tussen jong en oud verandert. De oorzaak van de toenemende vergrijzing is gelegen in het verleden. Vlak na de tweede wereld oorlog werden in Nederland veel baby’s geboren. in de jaren zestig was de anticonceptie bil in de markt gekomen en toen werden er minder baby’s geboren. Maar ook in de jaren zeventig hebben vrouwen het krijgen van kinderen uitgesteld om eerste te gaan werken en daardoor werden de gezinnen ook kleiner. Vele kinderen die vlak na de tweede wereld oorlog geboren zijn gaan nu met pensioen. Aangezien er in de jaren zestig en zeventig minder baby’s waren geboren is er daardoor nu naar verhouding meer zestig blussers die steeds ouder worden door betere gezondheid zorg. En doordat ziektes beter te behandelen zijn leven ouderen langer. De mensen die nu werken moeten de pensioen en zorgkosten van de ouderen betalen. Dat is financieel veel zwaar gezien er meer ouderen zijn. Geplaatst door: statistiekcbs Geraadpleegd op 25-09 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yqwDwisiCI&feature=youtu.be bevolking geraadpleegd op 25-09-2013 http://www.cbs.nl/nl-NL/menu/themas/bevolking/nieuws/default.htm Dat de bevolking vergrijsist is een algemene probleem in heel nederland...
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...ability to reach its objective Opportunity – some thing that offers a chance to exceed objectives’ Peter F Drucker Problem finding process Deviation from the past experience Deviation from set plan Other people Performance of competitors intuition Problem finding - errors False association of events False expectation False self perception & social image Other factors Threshold of problem recognition Setting priorities Selecting the right ones – leave the easy ones Allow self solutions Types of DM STRUCTURED Made under established situation i.e. definable, predictable & analysable Called programmed DM Routine problems Application of rules/ procedures/ habits Lower management Recurring Less human touch Low risk & uncertainty High control UNSTRUCTURED Made under emergent situation Called non-programmed DM Non-routine problems Application of skill/ experience/ common sense Top management Rare High degree of human touch High risk & uncertainty Low control Types of DM Programmed Decisions (structured) Types of problems Repetitive,...
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...17-05-2013 Internationale Monetaire Betrekkingen C. Troost Groep 109A 2012/2013 Semester 2 Blok 2 Een technische analyse van Black Wednesday aan de hand van de Simplest Test Sjeel Meijerink Tim Waaijer 10248552 6036759 INLEIDING Op 16 september 1992 verliet Groot-Brittannië het Europese Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). Naar deze dag wordt sindsdien gerefereerd als “Black Wednesday”, de dag dat George Soros £1 miljard verdiende door te speculeren op een daling van de Britse pond (Leftly, 2012). Tot 1990 stemde de Bank of England (BoE) haar beleid af op dat van de Duitse Centrale Bank (Kenen, 1995, p. 6). Groot Brittannië maakte tot die tijd geen deel uit van het ERM. Door een hoge inflatie besloot Groot Brittannië in 1990 toch mee te doen met het ERM en kreeg een vaste wisselkoers ten opzichte van de Duitse Mark. De EEG stond echter een bandbreedte toe waarin een wisselkoers mag bewegen (Higgins, 1993, p. 29). Voor Groot Brittannië was dit tussen 6% boven de vastgestelde koers van 2,95 DM/£ en 6% er beneden, de wijde bandbreedte (Higgins, 1993, p.30). Anderen landen in het ERM moesten een strengere band van 2,25% aanhouden. Groot Brittannië, Italië en Frankrijk werden beschouwd als zwakkere economische landen met een hoge inflatie en daarom werd toegestaan dat zij een bandbreedte van 6% kregen in plaats van 2,25% (Higgins, 1993, p. 30). De afspraak is dat de overheid en de centrale bank de binnenlandse munt zullen kopen en verkopen om de wisselkoers binnen die band te...
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...permission of the copyright holder. Any questions from Subscribers to Woods & Seaton Automotive Systems Information about this study should be addressed to Mike Seaton, Automotive Systems & Communications, Wash Hill House, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Wooburn Green, ESTABLISHED ★ 1973 ★ Buckinghamshire ★ ★ England, HP10 0JA. ★ ★ ★ Telephone: 44 (0) 1628 525 960 E-Mail address . . . mikeseaton@woods-seaton.com Web Site . . . http://www.woods-seaton.com © Woods & Seaton 2009 Tel. 44 (0)1628 525 960 E-mail: mikeseaton@woods-seaton.com www.woods-seaton.com Subscribers to Woods & Seaton Automotive Systems Information are automatically included on our e-mail Briefings list and are invited to raise queries about the content of our Analyses via phone or e-mail Telephone: 44 (0) 1628 525 960 Fax: 44 (0) 1628 530 210 E-Mail address . . . mikeseaton@woods-seaton.com Web Site . . . http://www.woods-seaton.com International Automotive Systems - “CRM” - 2009 For the sole, internal use of Aspen Marketing Services, Inc. - Contact: Bill Ewing. page 115...
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...| |Job Title |DM&E Coordinator | |13 | |Reports To |Program Team Leader | |Department/Group |Quality Team |Location |Sarajevo | WORK CONTEXT / BACKGROUND: World Vision’s earliest involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) was in 1994. Over the years, WV BiH has re-shaped its ministry from a largely return-focused program to one in alignment with the country’s basic development needs. WV BiH strategic intent is to contribute towards CWB in BiH (child wellbeing). To date, WV BiH works in partnership with communities, local and national government, faith-based institutions and civil society for the well-being of children. WV BiH makes no distinction of faith, ethnicity or gender when delivering its assistance to children and their families. Currently WV BiH employs 80 staff across the country. The overall annual budget for World Vision Bosnia and Herzegovina is around $4.6 million. PURPOSE OF POSITION: To lead the DM&E processes of intentional design and gathering of evidence of programs. This will be done through the development and maintenance of a ADP specific design and evaluation processes through the selection and roll out of a ‘tool box’ of DM&E approaches for WVBiH, ongoing analysis...
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...provided in sections 6 and 7 respectively. Final section 8 provides conclusions on how the texts are similar and how they are different in terms of their general stylistic properties and their communicative functionality based on analysis carried out in the essay. 1 Appendix 1 presents a table with an overall comparative analysis of the texts’ meanings while appendix 2 includes the articles. The referencing used throughout my assignment is as follows: DM: Daily Mail, DE: Daily Express, § 1: paragraph one, § 2: paragraph 2 etc. Paragraphs numbers refer to the aforementioned appendix 2. 2. TEXT OVERVIEW 2.1Backgroundinformation Articles originate from two popular British working class daily newspapers: The Daily Mail (DM) and the Daily Express (DE) both issued on February 9, 2007. The articles report circumstances surrounding death of Anna Nicole Smith and take an opportunity to look back on her life. For Daily Mail this news makes a cover story. Both titles of the articles i.e. ‘The roller-coaster life of model who wed a billionaire’ (DM) and ‘Anna Nicole Smith found dead in hotel’ (DE) and enclosed pictures of Ms Smith, her deceased husband and son, indicate what is to follow in the texts in sense of story line: “We look at the headline and opening sentences of a newspaper article because we know that these contain a summary of the contents of the article” (Coulthard, M. et al., 2000: 10). 2.2Personal perspective My attitude to the subject matter is indifferent. However, for the purpose...
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...V O LU M E 1 9 | N U M B E R 2 | S PRING 2007 Journal of APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE A MO RG A N S TA N L E Y P U B L I C AT I O N In This Issue: Valuation, Capital Budgeting, and Disclosure Enterprise Valuation Roundtable Presented by Ernst & Young 8 Panelists: Richard Ruback, Harvard Business School; Trevor Harris, Morgan Stanley; Aileen Stockburger, Johnson & Johnson; Dino Mauricio, General Electric; Christian Roch, BNP Paribas; Ken Meyers, Siemens Corporation; and Charles Kantor, Lehman Brothers. Moderated by Jeff Greene, Ernst & Young. The Case for Real Options Made Simple 39 Raul Guerrero, Asymmetric Strategy Valuing the Debt Tax Shield 50 Ian Cooper, London Business School, and Kjell G. Nyborg, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Measuring Free Cash Flows for Equity Valuation: Pitfalls and Possible Solutions 60 Juliet Estridge, Morgan Stanley, and Barbara Lougee, University of San Diego Discount Rates in Emerging Markets: Four Models and an Application 72 Javier Estrada, IESE Business School Rail Companies: Prospects for Privatization and Consolidation 78 James Runde, Morgan Stanley A Real Option in a Jet Engine Maintenance Contract 88 Richard L. Shockley, Jr., University of Indiana A Practical Method for Valuing Real Options: The Boeing Approach 95 Scott Mathews, The Boeing Company, Vinay Datar, Seattle University, and Blake Johnson, Stanford University Accounting for Employee...
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...SRP 22/12/2016 Svendborg gymnasium hf Simon Alexander Sigurskjold24 3M Indholdsfortegnelse. Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………...........................1 Indledning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Redegørelse………………………………………………………………………………………………………3-6 Analyse…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-20 Karakter af pink……………………………………………………………………………………………20-22 Konklusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………22-23 Litteraturliste…………………………………………………………………………………………………….24 Bilag…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25- In this assignment, I will be looking in to The Wall with Pink Floyd, music and film alike. I will be revealing the link between music, text and film using relevant analytical terms within the respected fields. I will be making an overlook on the concept behind the music and the film. Then I will start to analyze the songs another brick in the wall pt1, The Happiest days of our lives, Another Brick in the wall pt 2 and Another Brick in the wall pt3. During that time, I will delve in to the universe that is Pink Floy and the movie by Alan parker. I will also be discussing at quote from famous film critic Roger Ebert, and after that I will draw a conclusion. Indledning: Hvis vi kigger tilbage på det 20 århundreds mest markante musikalske bedrifter, så vil The Wall med Pink Floyd før eller siden dukke op. Men hvad er det der gør The Wall så markant? Deres kreativitet og vision for musikken, samt viljen til aldrig...
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...ACCT 463/CCMA523 WINTER 2015 ASSIGNMENT 1 KRANWORTH CHAIR CORPORATION Company Overview Kranworth Chair Corporation (KCC) was incorporated in 1987 by Weston Krantsz and Kevin Wentworth. KCC is a manufacturing company, and the name of the Company is associated with FOLD-IT! brand that includes production of high-quality and fashionable portable, folding chairs and related products. The main manufacturing line was concentrate to produce (i) folding chairs (produced at several price points) and related products (tripod stools, ottomans, costs, and stadium seats) in Mexico and China manufacturing facility and (ii) custom-designed products in the Denver location. The main KCC’s customers were: • Major retail chains (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target) that provided highest sales volumes but with lower gross margin; • Other retail chains (e.g. sporting goods); • Corporations for custom-design products orders. From the begging of activity KCC was a Company that had little competition and high margin rate. However, since 1999 the Company faces some cash and business issues related to the new loan, the new competitors on the market and the worldwide recession. At that point of time Kevin realized that in order to keep the business in good shape new changes should be done . This changes are to solve the main strategic issues the company faces, which include: eroding profit margin, fierce completion, inventory in more than a thousand types of products and parts and rather tight...
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...definition are the most frequently mentioned ways of improving the usefulness of research. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 37 LO : 2 3) The organizational status of the researcher or the research department may make it easy to reach the key DM in the early stages of the project. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Page Ref: 37-39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 4) The problem audit provides a useful framework for interacting with the researcher and identifying the underlying causes of the problem. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 38-39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 5) DMs tend to focus on symptoms rather than causes. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 6) "The DM and the researcher must interact continually rather than sporadically" is an explanation of one of the 7 Cs known as continuity. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 40 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 7) The purpose of interviewing experts is to help define the marketing research problem rather than to develop a conclusive solution. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 40 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 8) Analysis of available secondary data is a non-essential step in the problem definition process. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 41 LO : 2 9) Information obtained from the DM, industry experts, and secondary data may not be sufficient to define the research problem. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 41 LO : 2 10) To understand the background of a marketing research problem, the researcher must understand the client's...
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...Het doel van dit rapport is Ryanair een beeld geven van de huidige marketingcommunicatie uitingen op de markt. Dit beeld wordt gecreëerd aan de hand van een strategisch marketingplan waarin de situatie van concurrenten met elkaar wordt vergeleken. Het strategisch marketingplan bestaat uit acht onderdelen, In 5 van deze hoofdstukken zal een marketingcommunicatie uiting geanalyseerd worden die van belang is voor de budget airline markt. De overige 3 geven informatie over Ryanair en hun huidige situatie, een analyse van onze bevindingen en een literatuurlijst waarin de gebruikte bronnen zijn vermeld. Managementsamenvatting In dit plan is er antwoord gegeven op de vraag wat Ryanair in de toekomst voor reclame-uiting kan doen om het marktaandeel van Ryanair te vergroten. De onderzoeksfase heeft verschillende invalshoeken gehad namelijk: Reclame & online marketingcommunicatie, PR en voorlichting, Sponsoring en sales promotion, Beurzen, Evenementen en winkelcommunicatie, DM communicatie en Persoonlijke verkoop. Hieruit zijn een aantal belangrijke kansen, bedreigingen, sterktes en zwaktes naar voren gekomen. Als Ryanair in de toekomst zich niet op de juiste manier bezig houd met een goede marketingcommunicatie...
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...Data Mining Data Mining THE BUSINESS SCHOOL, KASHMIR UNIVERSITY 5/18/2014 THE BUSINESS SCHOOL, KASHMIR UNIVERSITY 5/18/2014 Umer Rashid Roll No 55 Umer Rashid Roll No 55 Abstract: Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. CRM: In today’s competitive scenario in corporate world, “Customer Retention” strategy in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an increasingly pressed issue. Data mining techniques play a vital role in better CRM. This paper attempts to bring a new perspective by focusing the issue of data mining Applications, opportunities and challenges in CRM. It covers the topic such as customer retention, customer services, risk assessment, fraud detection and some of the data mining tools which are widely used in CRM. Supply Chain Management (SCM) environments are often dynamic markets providing a plethora of Information, either complete or incomplete. It is, therefore, evident that such environments demand...
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...Assignment 1 - Part 1: Volume-Based Costing Systems This part will show an analyses of product costs and profitability for the Salewa Case. We start with a description of assumptions and methods that are used for the calculations. To calculate the amount of costs each product should be carrying based on traditional absorption costing we first started with calculating the fifth years sales for each product. In order to obtain these we summed up all quarterly sales of the products. Total revenues per product are now easily calculated by multiplying the amount of products for each product with the selling price. We now have total revenues per product which we can use later for performing the profitability analysis of the firm. Under a traditional absorption cost system the costs are allocated to the products by determining direct costs and an allocation base for determining how to allocate overhead costs for each product. In the case of Salewa there are two direct costs, direct labor and direct materials. The allocation base for allocating the overhead will be machine hours and direct labor hours. Cost per product = Cost of direct Materials + Cost of direct Labor + Allocated Overhead Direct materials To calculate the cost of direct materials we multiplied the total production per product with all the costs of direct materials per product and summed them up. Eventually we had for each of the four products the total amount of direct material cost. Direct Labor To...
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...6 7. Classification of Techniques 7 8. Common Data Mining Mistakes 8 9. Data Mining softwares 8 10. References 8 Data Mining for Business Intelligence Introduction: Business Intelligence (BI)is defined as the set of techniques and tools that transform the raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis. The main goal of business analyses is to analyze the information about the needs, of the company, identify problems affecting the business, identify loops affecting smooth running of operations and proving solutions based on the information. One of the...
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...1. Define data mining. Why are there many different names and definitions for data mining? Data mining is the process through which previously unknown patterns in data were discovered. Another definition would be “a process that uses statistical, mathematical, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques to extract and identify useful information and subsequent knowledge from large databases.” This includes most types of automated data analysis. A third definition: Data mining is the process of finding mathematical patterns from (usually) large sets of data; these can be rules, affinities, correlations, trends, or prediction models. Data mining has many definitions because it’s been stretched beyond those limits by some software vendors to include most forms of data analysis in order to increase sales using the popularity of data mining. What recent factors have increased the popularity of data mining? Following are some of most pronounced reasons: * More intense competition at the global scale driven by customers’ ever-changing needs and wants in an increasingly saturated marketplace. * General recognition of the untapped value hidden in large data sources. * Consolidation and integration of database records, which enables a single view of customers, vendors, transactions, etc. * Consolidation of databases and other data repositories into a single location in the form of a data warehouse. * The exponential increase...
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