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Analysis Algorithm and Data Structure


Submitted By sindhu29
Words 473
Pages 2
1.2. Representation of integer has no size restriction
• The important factor affecting the running time is normally size of the input.
• Normally the built in data type has a fixed size, to enter and to store the larger data.
• The Linked List can be used to store the integer without size restriction, which stores each digit in nodes.
• The data can also be reused.

A= 456
Represented by 6 → 5 → 4 in linked list
B= 094
Represented by 4 → 9 → 0 in linked list
The Resultant is C = 550
Represented by 0 → 5 → 5 in linked list.

A= 123 * B= 456
A= Represented by 3 → 2 → 1 in linked list.
B= Represented by 6 → 5 → 4 in linked list.
123 * 6 = 8 → 3 → 7 in linked list.
123 * 50= 0 → 5 → 1 → 6 in linked list.
8 → 8 → 8 → 6 in linked list.
123 * 400= 0 → 0 → 2 → 9 → 4 in linked list.
8 → 8 → 0 → 6 → 5 in linked list.

Exponentiation: The initial step is to arrange in decreasing order of exponents and then perform the action. The other method is by using Θ(log n) time algorithm based on binary representation.

1.5. Representation of one’s and two’s complement
1’s complement:
+ 4= 0100
- 4= 1011 (taking 1’s complement of +4 is -4 (i.e.) inverting the bit).
So, 1’s complement is used to represent both positive and negative integers.

2’s complement:
Converting the value to 1’s complement and then adding 1 to that complement.
- 4= (1’s complement of 4) + 1 = 1011+1 = 1100.
It is used in implementation of ADT, which performs arithmetic operation. So it is qualified under data structure.

1.9. Does every problem have an algorithm? Every problem doesn’t have an algorithm. For example if I were sorting the records stored in an array, the searching becomes difficult for the largest element. The value of an algorithm must be determined for larger set. So the possibility to determine the algorithm for this problem is uncertain.

1.12. Implementation of database
• The possible activities that I considered here is insertion, deletion and retrieval of data in database.
• Generally the attributes for the information of cities can be city name, location, zip code, etc.
• The Time Constraint and efficiency plays major role in database.
• While inserting or deleting the data in small numbers takes some seconds, which is acceptable. But for range of queries and mass deletion, it takes too long and reduces the efficiency.
• The Hash table is inappropriate for implementation because it cannot perform wide range of queries.
• The B+ tree is more efficient for implementation of database.
• A simple linear index can be used when data is created and never changed.

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