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Analysis Of Emily Rush's 'Becoming A Scholar'

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“I’ve never had a cell phone” explains Emily Rush, a junior, English Education Major.
People are often shocked when they hear this. For example, during the summers when Rush is a camp counselor, the third and fourth graders, who have grown up in a tech world, don’t believe she doesn’t have a cell phone. They think she is lying and cannot wrap their mind around the idea not having one.
However, not having a cell phone isn’t a big deal, Rush explained. It is not something you need and you can get by fine without one.
Rush has been put in other unique positions as because of her lack of a cell phone as well. As a mentor for “Becoming a Scholar,” a class freshmen are required to take, when she talked about being Mennonite, she had to explain that her lack of a cell phone was not representative of Mennonites, but a personal choice. She felt like she may have confused some freshmen with the impression that Mennonites cannot have cell phones. …show more content…
She explains that while she might waist more time if she got a cell phone, she already has fallen into that “trap” with her computer. Cost is a bit more problematics since it it is something she has not had to pay so far in her life.
Rush comments “why add the cost now, while I’m in college, with all the other expenses.”
Not having a cell phone, was not so much a choice, but something that just happened because Rush doesn’t view it as a necessity.
There was never a lot of pressure to get one from her family or friends. Her family had a landline and her father had a cell phone for work. Rush’s brother eventually got a cell phone after getting his driver’s license. However, since Rush has yet to get her license she never felt like she needed to get a cell

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