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Luther's Rebellion Research Paper

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Even though the Church found ways to counter Luther's rebellion, Luther did not give up. Luther showed resiliency by returning to Wittenberg Church on May 1522. He was able to avoid being caught and began his own Church called Lutheranism. Many people started to follow his Church including German princes. German Peasants were encouraged by him and started a rebellion in Luther’s name. In 1524 a peasant revolt began. During the peasant’s rebellion, places such as libraries and convents were all burned. This act of violence enraged Luther because this is not what he had in mind when he wanted to reform. His response to all of the violence was distributed in a handout entitled "Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants" written after his arrival to Wittenberg, the writing clarified his teachings, …show more content…
The Augsburg Confession is the first of the big Protestant Confessions. All universal Lutheran church bodies constructed their teachings in light of this dissertation on the grounds that they trust that it is reliable to the Word of God. In 1530, Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, assembled the rulers and urban communities of his German domains in a Diet at Augsburg. He looked for solidarity among them to fight off the assaults of Turkish armed forces in Eastern Austria. He called upon the Lutheran respectability to clarify their religious feelings, with the trust that the contention twirling around the challenge of the Reformation may be determined. To this end, Philip Melanchthon, a dear companion of Martin Luther and a Professor of New Testament at Wittenberg University, was called upon to plan a typical admission for the Lutheran Lords and Free Territories. The following report, which was the Augsburg Confession, was presented to the ruler on June 25,

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