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Analysis of Infrastructure Sector in India


Submitted By tanujgupta
Words 700
Pages 3
Analysis of Infrastructure Sector
Infrastructure refers to the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city or area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function. Infrastructure is the backbone of an economy. The various types of infrastructure are roads, airports, ports, housing, cold chain, warehousing, telecom towers and allied services, container freight stations etc.
In the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report for 2011-2012, India was ranked 89th out of 142 countries for its infrastructure. The report also criticized the transport, ICT and energy infrastructure labelling it as “largely insufficient and ill adapted to the needs of business”.
Market Size:
The Indian power sector has an investment potential of $US 250billion in the next 4-5 years, providing immense opportunities in power generation, distribution, transmission and equipment. The Indian railways have had an increase of 12.57% in revenues from last year. FDI received in construction development sector from April 2000 to January 2015 stood at US$ 24,028.19 million. The number of export and import containers moving through major ports in India expanded 7.34% year over year from April to October 2014.
Government Estimation and Plans:
Sustained increase in infrastructure is expected to be one of the crucial factors for sustaining strong growth in the economy. Infrastructure investment is expected to surge from 8.9% of GDP in FY15 to 12.1% of GDP in FY20. Construction of roads and bridges will account for the largest share in the total infrastructure investments during the next five years.
The government has estimated that $1 trillion of investments will be required for developing India’s infrastructure in the 12th plan period. The priorities include three airports, two ports, an elevated rail corridor in Mumbai and almost 6000 miles

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