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Analysis: Should The Soldiers Take A Knee Too?

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Should the Soldiers take a Knee Too?

Max, a solider in the U.S. army, struggled to get to his knees as he had just been shot in the leg by the enemy team. He cannot give up, he has to fight for his country, he made an oath to fight for his country’s freedom and he will keep it. When he went to get up, the enemy shot him in the other leg and by this time he had lost so much blood that he lay down and took his final breath. This is a story of many soldiers' lives and how they give up so much, even their lives, so that Americans can be free. Football players that are kneeling during the National Anthem and can’t stand up to respect the soldiers who are giving up so much for their freedom so that they can play football. Football players not standing for the National Anthem is wrong; the football players should be required to stand because they are disrespecting our country, soldiers are fighting for the football …show more content…
Michel Faulkner who is the pastor of New Horizon Church in New York City and former New York Jets player, states, "Is there a cause for a protest? Absolutely. I get it ... but that's not the time or the place, to me.” Everybody understands what the football players are kneeling for, but they should find another way and place to participate in their protest. Whenever you think of America, the first thing that pops into most peoples minds is the American flag. It is a symbol of our freedom and honoring the men and women who fight for our freedom everyday and risk their lives while doing it. So when football players kneel that is just disrespectful our flag and our country. Donald Trump states, “That’s a total disrespect of our heritage. That's a total disrespect for everything we stand for.” The flag represents our history and remembering our freedoms and football players are not respecting our heritage and what our country stands

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