Premium Essay

Analysis of Financial Statement by Using the Technique of Ratio Analysis


Submitted By samiul935
Words 15740
Pages 63

Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society’s PAI International Centre for Management Excellence


This is to certify that FURKAN Y.KAMDAR student of PAI INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE, Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society, Pune has completed his field work at ULTRA TECH CEMENT LTD on the topic of ―FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS BY USING THE TECHNIQUE OF RATIO ANALYSIS”FOR ULTRA TECH CEMENT LTD and has submitted the field work report in partial fulfilment of 2 years full time course MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of college for the academic year 2008-2009 He has worked under our guidance and direction. The said report is based on bonafide information.

Project Guide Name

Prof. R Ganesan



Pai International Centre for Management Excellence Date: Place: Pune




I hereby declare that the project titled ―FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS OF ULTRATECH CEMENT LTD.‖ is an original piece of research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of Prof.R.GANESAN. The information has been collected from genuine & authentic sources. The work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA).

Place: Pune Date: 26/02/2009



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