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Analytical Essay: Does Big Foot Exist?

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The Big Foot is said to be a giant ape-man living in the North America. One man who attended the conference on the Big Foot, claims that because there are bits of evidence suggesting Big Foot might be real, then that proves Big Foot is real. After SEARCHing the claim, I cannot say the claim is reasonable to believe Big Foot exist based on the evidence by people.
This man, who went to the conference on the Big Foot, begun to believe Big Foot does exist. At the conference, he realized there are bits of evidence to prove Big Foot does really exist. Also, he learned no one has offered any proof that Big Food does not exist. Based on these two premises, this man believes Big Food exist.
The claim is testable. He started to believe Big Foot’s existence …show more content…
This person said Big Foot was found in North America but this is also anecdotal. There is no real scientific proof that Big foot leaves in North America and there is no evidence to explain the reason Big Foot lives here.
He also mentions no one has offered any proof that Big Foot does not exist. This evidence is empirical. There was nothing. This is a logical fallacy. This person is using the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ignorance. Because no one has offered any proof that Big Foot does not exist, we cannot say this claim is reasonable and true. There would be someone who really thinks and believe Big Foot does not exist but he would just not offered any proof in public. No one knows. So, this person is biased and this leads to my alternate hypothesis.
My first alternate hypothesis is he believes Big Foot exist because no one has offered any proof that Big Foot does not exist and he does not know this is a logical fallacy. We can test this hypothesis by interviewing him with questions why does he think there is no one who has offered any proof and ask him what if there is someone who has enough evidence to prove Big Foot exist, but he does not want to be in public so he is not saying

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