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Living Back From The Dead Analysis

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The benefits of creating the living back from dead from several body part is like discovering the cure of cancer because it amazing that how Victor is to able study the anatomy of human body, and study how they function, and where this goes. Honestly when Victor finally reanimate a dead corpse, Victor’s expectation didn’t quite go well. It was like you meeting your ex in a in full make-up, but that is the opposite of that. She just like came in really ugly, and it so ugly to the point that you run away from her. That scenario is the same as when Victor abandoned his creation. His ambition is quite interesting because since his mother died of illness Victor was very sad so he trying to find a way to make a the dead a living one. That was his ambition is to find a way to reanimate the dead,so just in case his fiance Elizabeth died and he can just revive her by simple part. …show more content…
But I’m amazed how he able to use science as a tool to revive some else from the dead. And also using lighting to make the heartbeat again. There are some risk about doing this stuff because like reanimated dead people mean that there are two ways that they’ll go,1 they listen to their creators,or 2 destroy their own owner. Except in the story that Frankenstein tries to destroy Victor because society reject him, but Victor dies in the ice in the glacier,and Frankenstein killed himself because he realized his existence is insignificant to the world,and he killed himself in the iceberg. To be honest in this world, the world is full of lies,and the more lies there is. Most likely they will find the truth, just like when Frankenstein see himself the truth ,like why society reject him. The moment when Frankenstein see himself ugly he sought himself revenge to the one who are related to him, and the owner. That was his ambition, to kill

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