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Analyze the Process of Team Writing


Submitted By kwilliams1610
Words 1759
Pages 8
Writing a paper either individually or in a group, there are many things to consider other than just the writing itself. Selecting a topic to write about is different by yourself as opposed to a group. When writing alone, you don't have anyone else to contend with, so the choices are easier to make. However, you may not have as many options as you would working in a group, many people working together will come up with a much larger range of topics. Either way has its benefits as well as its problems. Having more topics to pick from will give any paper a much richer material base to pool from, but at the same time having to deal with many people means that things may not always go smoothly, as some members of the group may not see eye to eye on every topic. On the other side of that, one person writing a paper will have fewer problems picking a topic, but at the same time will not have as many to choose from as someone working in a group. One thing both ways of writing a paper have in common is that you still have to pick one subject to work with, regardless of how many people are working on the paper. And depending on the subject that you have to work with, a group or individual may come to the same conclusion in a short amount of time.
When writing in a group, it can be more difficult to edit work as more than one person is writing it. When you write by yourself, the revisions can be a bit easier as you can have a better vision of the finished product as well as the fact that the tone will be much more uniform than when working in a group. This is not always the case. Sometimes a group can pick up on mistakes easier than a single person, because when writing alone we tend to follow the same patterns, which can lead to mistakes that we do not always catch. Another person in a group will have a fresher perspective on things, and may be able to see things that the

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