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Analyzing a Juvenile Justice Case


Submitted By ehrls001
Words 680
Pages 3
American Intercontinental University
Proseminar in Criminal Justice
Individual Project Unit 5
Analyzing a Juvenile Justice Case

In this paper a juvenile justice case will be analyzed and discusses. These cases are different form adult cases as they have different laws and rules, there for its very important to understand all of these details to be able to understand the case.

Analyzing a Juvenile Justice Case:
Over view of the case been discussed in this paper: Mrs. I has a 15-year old that got arrested for stealing a car, driving without a license, and finally crashing it into a storefront. Mrs. I is distraught and concerned that her child will be held in the county jail and abused.
Dear Mrs. I:
Let’s start off getting some basic information about your child’s situation, we understand that this is a very difficult moment for you and your family and we will make everything in our power to help you. Has your child been arrested before? If your answer is yes, when and why? Assuming that the minor is a first offender we can try to minimize the sentence, and we can make sure that your child will be tried as a juvenile and not an adult. In this case any charges can be cleared (sponged) for his/her record at the age of 18 (American Civil Liberties Union Juvenile Justice).
We also need you to understand that the minor is facing some serious charges, usually the sentences for something like this are 6 years in prison and or 200 hours of community service and 2 weeks the county’s boot camp. We want you to understand the steps in the juvenile justice process that your child might be facing:
Intake Steps:
• An officer of the juvenile court will determine if there is enough evidence against the minor.
• An officer will be assigned to investigate the case in details and recuperate any evidence if necessary
• The minor

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