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Analyzing The Movie 'War Of The Worlds'

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War of the Worlds is a movie about Martians invading the east coast. The movie starts out with Rays kids, Robbie and Rachel, coming to stay with him for the weekend, and all the power and electricity going out. There was lightning strikes the ground started to shake and crack Martians came out. The Martians have Heat Rays which made people that were trying to runaway disappear. Ray realizes how dangerous this situation is, so he went to his friends service station and got a car. He was begging the friend to come with them, but he would not come. Ray started driving to the kids mother’s house because their mother, Mary Ann, and her husband were out of town, so they were going to stay in their house. In the morning there was a news reporter outside, …show more content…
Ray finally decides to let him go. A family approaches Rachel and begs for her to go with them, but Ray comes back just in time to get her. A man named Ogilvy sees them and tells them to go with him to a basement. In the basement a Martian tail goes in and starts trying to find them, but they end up avoiding it. Ray realizes that Ogilvy is mentally unstable when he starts yelling things out. Ray becomes very nervous that Ogilvy is going to make the Martians find him, so he ends up murdering him. Rachel gets taken by a Martian tail while Ray was sleeping, but Ray ends up being taken too. They are taken to a cage filled with other people until the cage breaks which frees all the people. Ray notices that the Martians freeze and all the red weed is dying. Birds get on top of the tripod, and an Army begins to check the Martian after the freeze. The Martians die, and Ray and Rachel make it to Boston to find their mom. Robbie comes home and it is a family reunion. In the movie War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells believes that in a time of crisis people forget about what really matter, and show who they really

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