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Self Regulatory Model

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Illness beliefs were defined by Howard Leventhal and his colleagues as “‘a patient’s own implicit common sense beliefs about their illness’”. (Ogden, 2017) These beliefs allow patients to create a plan to cope, understand their illness and tell them what to look for when they are becoming ill.
The model used to identify illness beliefs is the Self Regulatory Model (SRM). This model is based on how to approach problem solving and proposes that illness/symptoms are dealt by individuals the same as any other problem. (Ogden, 2017) This model consists of three stages; interpretation, coping and appraisal.
The first is the interpretation stage. In this stage an individual is presented with a potential illness through either symptom perception or social messages. (Ogden, 2017) Symptom perception is when the patient translates something vague into something concrete. (Ogden, 2017) This can be done through a person’s bodily data, their mood, their cognitions or their social context. (Ogden, 2017) Social messages can be confirmations by the doctor, their friends or family, or through the media. By seeing their beliefs in identity, perceived cause of illness, timeline, consequences, and curability & controllability they can give meaning to …show more content…
The perceived cause of the illness can be whether biological or something psychological or a combination of both. The timeline is how long the patient believes that their sickness will last. The consequences are the possible effects of the sickness that they patient believes they can get, which can either be physical or emotional or in some cases a combination of both. Curability is the patient’s beliefs on whether their illness can be treated and cured or not. Controllability is whether the outcome of their illness can be controlled or not. (Ogden, 2017) These beliefs will help shape their way of coping, which is the next stage in this

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