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Anatomy Wiley Chap 8 Question


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,-FD,22222L$Chapter 8Which parts of the clavicle and sternum articulate? Which parts of the clavicle and scapula articulate?Ans: pg. 240 a) sternal end, b) acromial endWhy is the acromion used as a landmark in obtaining accurate measurements of sleeve length?Ans: pg. 241 it is the highest point of the shoulderWhich parts of the scapula and humerus articulate?Ans: pg. 241 glenoid cavityWhich two fossae are separated by the spine of the scapula?Ans: pg. 243 supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossaHow many bones make up the upper limb?Ans: pg. 244 30 bonesWhich part of which bone forms the most lateral projection of the shoulder?Ans: pg. 244 greater tubercleThe skeletal component projecting from the medial side of our elbows is commonly called the funny bone because, when we accidentally hit it, we feel a strange, tingling pain due to stimulation of the ulnar nerve. Which part of which bone is the funny bone?Ans: pg. 244 just above the posterior surface of the medial epicondyle of the humerusWhich part of the ulna makes up the projecting point of the elbow?Ans: pg. 245 olecranonWhich parts of the humerus, ulna, and radius articulate at the elbow joint? Which depression of the humerus and projection of the ulna articulate when the elbow is flexed? When the elbow is straight? Ans: pg. 244, 246, 247 a) head of radius to capitulum of humerus, trochlear notch of ulna to trochlea of humerus; b) coronoid fossa of the humerus receives coronoid process of ulna; c) olecranon fossa of humerus receives olecranon of ulnaWhen raising your arm to ask a question in class, your deltoid muscle lifts the humerus by pulling which part of the bone? When flexing your elbow to raise a cup to your mouth, your biceps brachii muscle lifts the radius by pulling which part of the bone?Ans: pg. 244, 246 a) deltoid tuberosity; b) radial tuberosityWhich carpal bones form a concave space that is part of the carpal tunnel?Ans: pg. pisiform and hamate (on ulnar side) and scaphoid and trapezium (on radial side)Which bones form the palm of the hand?Ans: pg. 249 metacarpalsWhich bones are commonly called the knuckles?Ans: pg. 249 - distal ends of metacarpalsWhat are the functions of the pelvic girdle and the bony pelvis?Ans: pg. 250 a) accepts the bones of the lower limbs and connects them to the axial skeleton, b) provides a strong, stable support for the vertebral column and protects the pelvic visceraDistinguish among a hip bone, pelvic girdle, and bony pelvis.Ans: pg. 250 hip bone: fused ilium, ischium, and pubis; pelvic girdle: the two hip bones; bony pelvis: complete ring composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, and sacrumWhat are the four spines of the ilium? What is their function?Ans: pg. 250 a) anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine; b) serve as points of attachment for the tendons of the muscles of the trunk, hip and thighsOn the way to class you slip on ice, landing hard on your right buttock. Which part of which hip bone is likely to take the brunt of the fall?Ans: pg. 251 ischial tuberosity of ischiumWhich part/parts of the bony pelvis articulates with the sacrum? With the femur?Ans: pg. 251 a) auricular surface of the ilium; b) acetabulum formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubisHow would you distinguish between the false and true pelves? Between the pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet?Ans: pg. 253, 254 a) false pelvis is the portion of the bony pelvis superior to the pelvic brim, the true pelvis is the bony pelvis inferior to the pelvic brim; b) the superior opening of the true pelvis is the pelvic inlet, the inferior opening of the true pelvis is the pelvic outletWhat is the significance of the pelvic axis?Ans: pg. 254 it is the route taken by the babys head as it descends through the pelvisWhy are there structural differences between female and male pelves?Ans: pg. 254 because of the females adaptations to the requirements of pregnancy and childbirthWhat adaptations of the female pelvis assist the infants head exiting at birth?Ans: pg. 254 more space in the true pelvis especially in the pelvic inlet and pelvic outletSome bicycle seats are designed for gender comfort. Seats for female riders have two depressions that are farther apart than seats for male riders. Which part of the ischium are these seats accommodating?Ans: pg. 251 ischial ramusWhich bone is the strongest bone in the body?Ans: pg. 257 femurWhich part/parts of the femur:Articulates with the acetabulum at the hip joint?Are attachment sites for buttock muscles?Is a lateral landmark for intramuscular injections? Ans: pg. 257 a) head, b) greater and lesser trochanters, c) greater trochanter How are the functions of the lateral and medial condyles of the femur different from those of the lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur?Ans: pg. 257 medial and lateral condyles articulate with the median and lateral condyles of the tibia, whereas the medial and lateral epicondyles are attachment sites for ligaments of the knee jointThe patella is classified as which type of bone? Why?Ans: pg. 259 a) sesamoid bone, b) it is enclosed within the tendon of anterior thigh musclesWhat are the functions of the patella?Ans: pg. 259 increases the leverage of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle, maintains the position of the tendon when the knee is flexed, and protects the knee jointWhich leg bone bears the weight of the body?Ans: pg. 259 tibiaWhich part/parts of the tibia:Articulate with the femur and the knee joint?Is an attachment site for the patellar ligament?Is the bone marking that is injured if you accidentally bang your skin on a low table?Is the distal marking that articulates with fibula? Ans: pg. 259 a) lateral and medial condyles; b) tibial tuberosity; c) anterior crest; d) fibular notchWhich part of which bone forms the bony prominences found on the medial surface of the ankle? On the lateral surface of the ankle?Ans: pg. 259 a) medial malleolus of the tibia; b) lateral malleolus of the fibulaWhich tarsal bone articulates with the tibia and fibula?Ans: pg. 261 talusWhich tarsal bone is the bony component of the heel of the foot?Ans: pg. 261 calcaneusName the bones that form the lower limb, from proximal to distal.Ans: pg. 257-261 femur, tibia and fibula, tarsals (talus, calcaneus, navicular, three cuniform bones, cuboid), metatarsals (1-V), phalanges (proximal, middle, and distal) s7 j &? Nh1>@@'NjpWXYlMNgBCdej(hhC:h7phFh|XhSh:nh)ahhhh5Rs6 7 j &>? 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