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Andrew Johnson Research Paper

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Andrew Johnson had a lot of interesting things happen to him and his family in his life. He had family members die, had some rebellions, and even held many different official positions. In this paper I am going to tell you about how his life began and all the different things that happened, and about the offices he held.
Andrew Johnson was born on December 29, 1808 in Raleigh, North Carolina, to his dad Jacob Johnson, and his mother Marry McDonough. He was born into a family that was in poverty. He also had a brother and a sister, but his sister died during her childhood. His father died when he was three, and his mom got remarried to Turner Doughtry. When Andrew Johnson was ten his mom sent him to be an apprentice to a tailor. He had to work …show more content…
Then in 1831 the Nat Turner slave rebellion happened and the town decided to pass a constitution that involved rules on free people of color to vote, and it was also over taxes, and funding for improvements to the town. The constitution was put to a vote and Johnson spoke very highly of it so it would pass, and he became known around the whole state. So on January 4, 1834 he was elected to mayor of Greeneville Tennessee. He then took a seat on the Tennessee House of Representatives and won that vote by a two to one margin. He then got his first slave named Dolly who was 14. He was known for treating his slaves kindly. While he owned Dolly she had three children, and she was dark skinned but the three children were white skinned, so rumors circulated that he was the father since he was so kind to her. While he was in Greeneville he also joined the militia and was in the 90th regiment. He eventually became Colonel, but while he was a member he got fined for an unknown reason. In his first term he didn’t vote as a democrat or in the Whig party. So he did not get reelected. In 1839 he decided to run again and was going to run as a Whig but another person ran as a Whig so he ended up running as a democrat, and got elected. The Democratic Party became very well-known because of Johnson’s public speaking skills. People in that time period loved to be informed and loved listening to find more out about politics so Johnson used that to his advantage and talked about the ideas and answers the Democratic Party were for. In 1840 Johnson became presidential elector for Tennessee so he became more famous state wide. Even though the president was William Harrison who was not democratic, the state still remained to be democratic because Johnson had such a strong political influence. In 1841 Johnson was elected to the Senate in Tennessee and served one two year term. He had become so financially stable that he was

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