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Anne Frank's Diary

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Anne Frank and her diary have become an international wonder; people feel like they truly know the eight Annex members. I have the tragic luck being able to say I knew all of them so well. The van Pels parents always stood out to me when I visited the Annex. They were so ill-natured and could easily stop a crowd. In this case, Mr. Hermann van Pels was the vulgar personality I wanted to try to show more of.

Hermann wasn’t brought up much in Anne's diary. Unless, of course, when he was fighting with his wife or trying to appease her. He said, “Are you suggesting that my wife is wrong?!” when discussing who would cut cake. He also had consuming arguments with her over the littlest details. After one particularly disgusting argument, Hermann …show more content…
Frank, we saw Anne’s diary. As we read, I was not surprised by the actions recorded of Hermann. In one entry, Mr. van Pels declared, “He [Mouschi] gets fatter every day! Damn cat looks better than any of us. Out he goes, tonight!” In Hermann's eyes, only the important Annex members can eat the food, even though he had taken more for himself. If an animal took food or other necessities from him, he would get rid of it.

When Mr. Pfeffer first came into the Annex family, Hermann snapped, “Did Mr. Kugler warn you that you won't get much to eat here? You can imagine… three ration books among the seven of us… and now you make eight.” Once I read this, I knew that Mr. van Pels wasn’t the type of man who believed in sharing his belongings. Although it was understandable in their situation, it is clear that Peter, his son, had already been affected by his father’s behavior. Peter was shy and quiet. Clearly, his parents took to the spotlight while he was stuck in the shadows.

For example, while Mr. Pfeffer was panicking during the last moments of their stay in the Annex, Hermann said to him, “You’re wasting your breath” to remind him that they were all going to die eventually. Everyone was annoyed at Mr. van Pels for saying that because it only made Mr. Pfeffer panic

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