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Anne Frank

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Annelies Marie Frank, author of The Diary of a Young Girl, focuses mainly on the idea of loneliness of adolescence. This book was originally written as a diary then later published by Frank’s father, Otto Frank, to fulfill his daughter’s wish after she passed away. Because this book was written in first person point of view and falls under the non-fiction category, I believe that the strongest things about this book is that it is able to leave an impact to the society as well as a dark past that the youth should educate themselves on. Other than that, I was able to connect to the writer’s story, as it felt very realistic never minding the fact that it is indeed a relic of history.
Written by Anne Frank, this book tells a story of self-discovery, isolation, survival, suffering, and death during the World …show more content…
A few of the people who contributed to the work of Anne Frank’s diary are Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, herself, Mr. and Mrs. van Daan, and Peter van Daan. To start, Margot Frank is Frank’s older sister, and she doesn’t receive much attention in Frank’s diary because she does not think much of Margot other than being pretty, smart, and emotional. Otto Frank, as it’s been mentioned, is Frank’s father, and he was the one closest to Frank and was the one she opened up to the most out of all the people in the house. Edith Frank is the mother and Frank isn’t as close to her as she is with her father. She thinks Edith is a bit too critical and sentimental. Anne Frank, author of the book and writer of the diary, was only 4 years old when the family had to move to Hollan to find somewhere else better live in. She’s a very insightful young girl, and wished to become a writer one day.. Mr. van Daan is the father of the family that lived with the Franks and he had worked with Otto Frank as an herbal specialist in

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