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Secret Anne Frank

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Could you imagine what it would be like to be stuck in a house with seven other people who you do not get along with. Where you can not make sound during the day, or you risk getting caught. Well that is what life was like for 8 jews hiding in the Secret Annex hiding from the Nazis. The members of the Annex were the Franks, the Van Daans, Mr.Dussel, and also Mr. Kraler and Miep are two people who worked with Mr. Frank who risked their lives to help them while they were in hiding. Anne is the daughter of Mrs. and Mr. Frank. Anne shows courage by being bright, even when her relationship with the others were lacking in support, and could not do what she longed to do.
Anne’s relationship with everyone in the Annex differed from each other. Anne’s relationship with her mother was not the best. Anne believed that her mother did not understand her. Her mother did not like the way Anne acted while they were in the Annex. Anne wrote down in her diary that she did …show more content…
At first Anne did not like him, and wished he was a girl, Anne thought he was a shy boy. She wrote in her diary, “ Peter arrived, the Van Daan’s son, not sixteen yet, a rather soft, shy, gawky youth; can’ expect much from his company,” ( Anne Frank Diary). After a year and a half in the Annex, Anne started to spend time with Peter. At the start she had her opinion of him as not going to be a good company, but her opinion of him changes. Anne finds him to be easy to talk to and trust. She writes in her diary, “For myself, life has become much more pleasant. I often go to Peter’s room after supper. Oh, don't think I’m in love, because I’m not. But it does make life more bearable to have someone with whom you can exchange views.” ( Goodrich- Hackett). This shows courage because she was willing to share her things and give them to Peter, and told Peter how she felt about things, that she wouldn’t have shared to someone else in the

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